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K-1 9/29 Seoul & Pancrase 10/14 Tokyo cards

By Zach Arnold | September 6, 2007

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K-1 World GP 2007 in Seoul FINAL 16
9/29 Seoul Olympic Gym #1 (5 PM)

Pancrase 10/14 Tokyo, Differ Ariake

Topics: Japan, K-1, Media, MMA, Pancrase, South Korea, Zach Arnold | 8 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

8 Responses to “K-1 9/29 Seoul & Pancrase 10/14 Tokyo cards”

  1. Jordan Breen says:

    Sawayashiki is the shit, glad they’re not trying to bury him at the stage of 16.

  2. Rollo the Cat says:

    Any videos of Abrocius Tiger? I have heard about him but youtube searches always come up empty.

  3. nicklovesmma says:

    I wish there was some way to watch Pancrase. I wish they came out with a DVD that has all the best fights with Bas, both Shamrocks, the Gracies etc

  4. Ernest Helwig says:

    The Seoul GP Looks Insane.. I Just Wish that Zabit Samedov would’ve been in Also.. but I Guess its Fair Considering he did later Test Positive for Roids.. Also, Its Good to See Less Freak Shows on the Card Also. I’m rooting for the Champ.. War Hari!!!

  5. Dedwyre says:

    Any thoughts on whether or not Mighty Mo vs. Choi will be a repeat of the first one?

  6. P-Dawg says:

    nicklovesmma: does have 2 “Best Of” Pancrase dvds that has exactly what you are looking for.

    They are from Japan, in Japanese (obviously), cost $55 each. Unfortunately, is out of stock at the moment.

  7. nicklovesmma says:


    Do you know if they are formatted to work on DVD players in North America?

  8. P-Dawg says:


    They are Region Free, as far as I understand. So they will work on a DVD player purchased in the United States.


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