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Sunday news review: Shooto lands in Orange County

By Zach Arnold | August 18, 2007

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In the next couple of days, we will be launching a new site design. I expect a mixture of both positive and negative feedback to the re-design, but I feel that the new look will help our readers gather more information quickly on a daily basis. Because the new site format will be pulling links and data from various web sites, expect the site to load slowly sometimes. That’s the trade-off (at least until we can figure out a way to program the design to cache the feeds that we are linking to) for what I expect will be a vast improvement in the news-gathering experience. Plus, we will have more anti-spam measures on the site. Be forewarned – if you post using an invalid e-mail address in the future on this site in the comments section, it may or may not pass through any sort of validation system. Try using a valid e-mail address.

And you thought pro-wrestling’s drug culture was bad.

Shooto held an event on Saturday night at The No Limits Event Center in Orange County, CA. PBP of the show here. Jordan Breen reports on yet another referee denied his license by the California SAC:

Taro Wakabayashi, who has refereed hundreds of amateur and professional Shooto bouts over his 13-plus years as a Shooto official, was denied his license as a referee by the CSAC.

“Yeah, his résumé looked pretty good, but he’ll need to take a refereeing course in September they said,” Manly snickered.

Boxing news and notes… David Tua demolishes Saul Montana and Arthur Abraham brutally KO’s Khoren Gevor.

Denis Kang issued a ‘no comment’ about whether or not he is heading to HERO’s.

China Combat on why you shouldn’t hate Andy Wang. We agree, so do us a favor and listen to his latest interview on Fight Opinion Radio. I am smooth with the transitions.

I’ve had a couple of readers tell me that they think these daily news posts with links actually detracts from the value of this web site. Do you agree or disagree? Let me know what you think by posting a comment.

Onto today’s headlines.

  1. Total MMA: Radio interview with Lee Whitehead
  2. AOL Sports: A decade of wrestler deaths
  3. UFC Junkie: A trip to Team Jorge Gurgel’s open house
  4. The Dayton Daily News (OH): Gurgel gym has big impact on MMA (the editor of this column wants to know if there is value in his newspaper publishing an MMA column and is asking for responses to his e-mail at [email protected])
  5. UFC Mania: An interview with Alessio Sakara
  6. MMA on Tap: Randy Couture training video
  7. Fightlinker: Mohegan Sun wants in on Athletic Commission assholery (on the flipside, here’s a report from The Fight Network about why the commission halted the show)
  8. MMA Weekly: Roger Huerta ready for another war
  9. The Boston Herald: Rocketing to the top for Gabriel Gonzaga
  10. The New Haven Register (CT): Training for MMA a unique endeavor
  11. The New Haven Register (CT): Fighters pushing for sport of MMA to become legal in state of Connecticut
  12. The Albany Democrat-Herald (OR): MMA is “a chess game on the ground”
  13. The New York Times: A soap that goes to the mat (an interesting article about someone named Guy Sako who sells Defense Soap to MMA fighters and amateur wrestlers)
  14. NWA News (AR): Ex-Tiger Shawn Fitzsimmons chasing dreams of Ultimate Fighting
  15. The Voice of San Diego: Blow by blow – questions for Larry Jackson
  16. The Victoria Times Colonist (Canada): Slugfest at the Speedway
  17. The Long Beach Press-Telegram: Wanderlei Silva re-entering the UFC Octagon
  18. The Killeen Daily Herald (TX): Cedric “Spiderman” Marks trial to get under way Monday
  19. The Southeast Missourian: Coty Kellison follows catchy entrance with impressive win
  20. The Muskogee Phoenix (OK): Totally tough third-grader who is training in MMA
  21. The Newark Star-Ledger (NJ): Fear not – Krazy Horse Bennett vs. Valenzuela will be intense at ShoXC
  22. The Rochester Post-Bulletin (MN): Logan Clark loses in cagefighting event, but is rewarded for effort
  23. The Inland Valley Daily-Bulletin (CA): Jeremy Williams returns to boxing after dabbling in MMA
  24. Sam Caplan: More thoughts on Josh Koscheck vs. Georges St. Pierre
  25. The Republican (MA): Gabriel Gonzaga trains in Ludlow
  26. The Clarksville Leaf-Chronicle (TN): John Renken taking a look at “Sex in the City”
  27. The Sunday Life (UK): Wayne McCullough – all over Tan
  28. The Cincinnati Enquirer (OH): Rich Franklin cleared for launch – can take his name, game to new level
  29. The Wilmington News Journal (Delaware): Michael Stewart lobbies for Delaware boxing commission
  30. The Eagle Tribune (MA): Age vs. rage — Randy Couture in for a long night
  31. The Oshkosh Northwestern (WI): Athletes fight for a konquest at Sunnyview Expo Center
  32. The Appeal Democrat (CA): Fighters melt at ‘Meltdown’ – Ray Doxie lone local to earn victory
  33. The Green Valley News (AZ): Debut Rage in the Cage fighters look for ultimate rush
  34. MMA Analyst: An interview with Nick Serra

Topics: Boxing, Canada, HERO's, IFL, Japan, K-1, Media, MMA, Pro Elite, Pro-Wrestling, UFC, UK, WEC, Zach Arnold | 27 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

27 Responses to “Sunday news review: Shooto lands in Orange County”

  1. Iain Liddle says:

    How could these daily news posts possibly detract from the website?

    They’re the promary reason this is the first MMA site I check every day.

  2. buffalo_66 says:

    I’ve had a couple of readers tell me that they think these daily news posts with links actually detracts from the value of this web site

    i thought the point of the site was to provide comprehensive MMA coverage. These links are part of that. I don’t know why they would be seen to be detracting from the site.

  3. Pontus says:

    Please don’t stop with the links that’s one of the reasons this is the first website I visit everyday.

  4. Stu says:

    Do you agree or disagree?

    Disagree! I think it’s a great resource, and I often read articles that I wouldn’t find and read otherwise because of it.

  5. I’m okay with the links … but I’d rather have more opinion!

  6. Zach Arnold says:

    I’m okay with the links … but I’d rather have more opinion!

    Isn’t that your site’s unofficial tag line?

  7. 45 Huddle says:

    I couldn’t disagree with Fightlinker more….

    Trying to justify an athletic commission canceling a Mark Kerr fight? It has been well documented about his drug problems. If they found anything in his pre fight medicals that concerned them, they have every right to cancel his fight.

  8. Nah, ours is “We love to hate on MMA.”

    Hey, they canceled the entire event because they denied a whole slew of fighters … and Kerr was barred because they found elevated blood pressure using an oldschool sphygmomanometer, not a proper digital one. The fighters and management tried to get a retest using a proper digital device and the commission said no. How fishy is that?

  9. Preach says:

    Complaining that they didn’t use digital equipment to measure the blood pressure is more than just a bit idiotic, because it wouldn’t have changed a thing. Properly used there is a very, VERY marginal discrepance between analog and digital hemodynamometers (somewhat around 1%, which wouldn’t even affect the leeway!), hell, there’s even a bigger chance to fuck up the result using a digital one, because many of them aren’t properly calibrated and/or respond to outside factors. The margin for error is just too big, which is why doctors usually prefer manual ones (which are calibrated by the standards of the International Red Cross). Believe it or not, but contrary to popular belief digital is not always better…

  10. Kid Nate says:

    Please do NOT cut the news links — they are the #1 reason this site is my firefox homepage. It’s essential and saves me hours of googling.

  11. LR says:

    We got a few new interviews coming in. One of our contributors, Matt Kaplan, who trains at Serra ju-jitsu from time to time, got some great interviews with Matt’s brother, Nick, and we will also have an interview with Cub Swanson up later today. Check it out.

  12. Zach Arnold says:

    Nate – I’m sitting back here now looking at all the links in this update and the links that will be on display in the new site design, and I’m sitting here thinking to myself… there is just way too much disorganization and too many small MMA-related blogs or sites. We desparately need people who can be convinced of doing some M & A’s (mergers) so that material can be consolidated. It’s starting to get out of control.

  13. HudsonMMA says:

    The article links are what set your site apart from every other MMA site out there. They’re a great resource.

  14. SB says:

    Good to see docs on the juice. You aint juicin you aint tryin~!

  15. Rollo the Cat says:

    Keep the links. I was thinking about dropping my internet completely because he has started to take up so much of my time. Pages like this help me keep internet usage under control.

  16. Crew says:

    This is the only site I look to for my MMA news, and that’s because of the links…keep them!

  17. K. Fabe says:

    The fightlinker column is ridiculous. God forbid an athletic commission do its job. Don’t want your show cancelled? Don’t fill your card with over-the-hill, out-of-shape former addicts. A ton of shows from various promoters have gone off at Mohegan Sun without a hitch. Maybe this fiasco was a reflection on the promoters, not the commission.

  18. jgass says:

    Keep the links! I consider your posting of these links a valued service of the site because you only post links of interest.

  19. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    Zach, stop exploiting Shayna for more hits 🙂

    She seems to have gone to Midamerica Nazarene. That’s interesting because I went to Southern Nazarene, and in the 1960s, Midamerica split off from SNU (then Bethany Nazarene, or possibly still Bethany-Peniel…hm).

    Otherwise, we have nothing in common. Oh well.

  20. Jeremy (not that Jeremy) says:

    Preach, thanks for saying what I was about to say and saving me the effort 😀

    The digital systems you see at gyms and the like are nearly useless because they’re not calibrated. A medical professional using analog medical equipment that has literally been tested and found accurate over decades is a perfectly reasonable basis for determining blood pressure.

    I seriously doubt that they would have disqualified him for being a little off unless it was in combination with other things.

    The Mohegan-Pequots lose as much if not more than the promoters when the event gets cancelled, so it’s not a decision taken lightly.

  21. Canson says:

    I’m with the others in that the links are the main reason I come to this site. That and the summary of them.

  22. Grape Knee High says:

    I like the links (even though I’ll admit I usually don’t even click on more than one a day). Regarding organization, Zach, I’d agree that some streamlining is necessary, but I think the free market economy of the web should dictate who will survive and who doesn’t, and likewise what sites end up merging. Encouraging sites to merge just for convenience is just counterproductive. Pruning will happen naturally, if indeed it is justified.

    Regarding blood pressure, sometimes I wish MMA pundits would exercise a bit more common sense before claiming “assholery” on whatever it is they’re complaining about that day.

  23. Ben says:

    These news update posts are the primary reason I check this site. I’d be very disappointed to see them go away or change substantially.

  24. penxv says:

    The commissions are getting more and more audacious. Who does the CSAC think that they employ that can teach a 13 year vet how to ref an MMA bout? California has only been putting on MMA shows for less than 2 years.

  25. klown says:

    Please keep the news links, they are the original reason Fight Opinion became my 1-stop source of fight news. By now I’ve become addicted to the radio show, scoops and editorials, but the news links are still essential.

    And thanks for the work that goes into putting it all together.

  26. Mr. Phelps says:

    dittoing klown

  27. dragomort says:

    Please keep the links! It’s a big factor on coming here to get caught up on what’s going on in the news scene and makes it easier for me to waste the day away at work. Consolidating most of the news in one spot is a huge boon for any site to have.

    The problem fightlinker had with the commission wasn’t what type they were using or anything else, it was that they wouldn’t retest even when half of their card couldn’t pass their test. While that might be because of their fighters being out of shape, it’s not an unreasonable request to have a retest done using a different method that should only alter the results less than 1%. Any commission that won’t re-test their results when it’s current methodology has above average results in the negative column is moving into very questionable territory.


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