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Tuesday news and notes: Bringing the heat against Karo Parisyan

By Zach Arnold | August 13, 2007

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K-1 just announced that Minowaman will face Ralek Gracie at the HERO’s 9/17 Yokohama Arena show. Also on the 9/17 Yokohama card is JZ Calvan vs. Vitor “Shaolin” Ribiero and Black Mamba vs. Kaoru Uno in Middleweight tournament matches.

I have a new post at Bloody Elbow talking about a topic that an advertising geek at heart (like me) would care about. I’d prefer comments for that post to be placed at Bloody Elbow, but I will also read comments about that post if they are submitted here as well.

MMA Madness now has an RSS feed for content on their site. Now, here’s a challenge for both 411 Mania and The Fight Network – GET SOME RSS feeds for your MMA content. There’s no reason in this day and age not to do so. It will only increase traffic to your site. I also wish MMA Weekly would publicize their RSS feed as well (it’s here). I also wish that other major sports site with MMA content (CBS Sportsline, Fox Sports) would have MMA-dedicated RSS feeds for content as well. I’d like to see Yahoo Sports publicize their MMA RSS feeds more.

Joe Lauzon talks some trash about Karo Parisyan. Plus, Jason MacDonald vs. Yushin Okami coming up soon.

Fox News says ‘Ultimate Fighting may be the only pure sport around.’

Adam Morgan is looking for some guest bloggers. Help him out.

Here is some more news regarding Vadim Finkelstein and the future of Fedor in MMA.

Here’s a shocker – another media outlet (Florida Today) tries to tie in dog-fighting allegations against Michael Vick with UFC. The writer is Peter Kerasotis:

Why is it that when two humans are put in a ring with the sole purpose of inflicting injury — mostly to the head, intentionally trying to knock each other unconscious, with the knowledge that people die — it’s called a sport, but put two animals in a ring to fight, and it’s called illegal?

Shouldn’t both be illegal? Shouldn’t fights involving humans be more illegal than ones involving animals?

Instead, we now have other so-called sports — barbaric activities, really — known as Toughman, Xtreme Fighting and Ultimate Fighting, where the attraction is raw and ruthless human violence served up as entertainment.

Dan Wahlers comments on Evander Holyfield appearing on WWE TV:

Matt Hardy vs. Holyfield in a boxing match. Michael Buffer was ring announcer. They plugged Holyfield’s next match and put him over, so there must be a business deal here with Vince in some form.

Holyfield destroyed Hardy. In round two, Holyfield turned babyface because he refused to continue to pummel Hardy. MVP got mad at him for not hurting Hardy, so he KO’d MVP.

Interesting. Vince McMahon working with some guy allegedly named Evan Fields who was targeted by Sports Illustrated in a drug probe. Huh.

Las Vegas-based radio host Steve Cofield on the death of pro-wrestler Bryan Adams:

Take what you want from this, in speaking to our wrestling source…he had heard recently that Adams was suffering from a kidney ailment. His first reaction to the news was, “That stuff finally caught up with him.”

Onto today’s headlines.

  1. 411 Mania: MMA vs. Boxing – sort of…
  2. Sherdog: Interview with Wanderlei Silva
  3. UFC Junkie: Kendall Grove online chat transcript
  4. MMA Madness: Mark Pickering on Elite XC’s latest moves
  5. Xtreme Couture: Shawn Tompkins joins Couture’s gym full-time
  6. The Fight Network: Gina Carano vs. Tonya Evinger booked for 9/15 in Hawaii
  7. Sportsnet (Canada): TKO not threatened at all by UFC’s entry in Canada
  8. Yahoo Sports: Felix Trinidad vs. Roy Jones Jr. set
  9. Bloody Elbow: Go Gomi Go!
  10. The Canadian Press: GSP retools after Matt Serra loss, preps for comeback fight
  11. Sports Illustrated (Todd Martin): A who’s who guide to MMA
  12. The El Paso Times: Underground cage fighting coming to El Paso
  13. 411 Mania: Global FC pre-fight conference call coverage
  14. The Japan Times: Close the door on the way out Asashoryu
  15. Fox Sports: IFL building for the future
  16. MMA on Tap: Drew McFedries out 6-8 months
  17. MMA Predictions: The MMA Girls predict UFC 74!
  18. The McKinney Courier-Gazette Star (TX): McKinney resident J. Buckeye Epstein puts $1 million USD into his Art of War MMA fighting league

Topics: Boxing, Canada, HERO's, IFL, Japan, K-1, Media, MMA, Pro Elite, Pro-Wrestling, UFC, WWE, Zach Arnold | 20 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

20 Responses to “Tuesday news and notes: Bringing the heat against Karo Parisyan”

  1. Zurich says:

    Don’t forget Sherdog’s great new video interview w/Wanderlei. Was I hearing things or did Wand say that Couture bought him a gym? Wand’s english has improved tremendously since the interviews he did for Pride 33 back in February.

  2. Ernest Helwig says:

    Hey!! My Little Gomi Rant made it on FightOpinion. I’m Honored but Amongst Other things. I think That The Punk in K-1 is just A perfect Fit. The Japanese Fans love the Dude and He takes on All People. I think he challenged Semmy Schilt the day he was announced so that would be interesting but Ralek Gracie only has one MMA Fight at the Last Hero’s GP show so I think K-1 was a bit over their head making this match up. But Their 9/17 show is Looking AWESOME thus far. Marcelo Garcia is making his MMA debut that night PLUS supposedly Soko and Alistair make their K-1 debuts.

  3. klown says:

    Former pro wrestling champion Brian “Crush” Adams died Monday after he was found unconscious in his home. He was 44.,2933,293152,00.html

  4. PizzaChef says:

    Holy fuck that Lauzon picture is going to give me nightmares. Damn you for traumatizing me.

  5. Rollo the Cat says:

    Is Soko official in Heros?

  6. white ninja says:

    good to minowa getting into heros – genuine good guy and hard worker and should be some interesting matches for him there

    funny how fedor:s manager keeps on talking about his confusion about Sergei signing with Golden Glory

    Bas Boon used to produce a lot of the M1 events and was close to red devil, but obviously they are competing now. good to see bas boon improve his position and the GG team

  7. DarthMolen says:

    Is it just me or does Joe look like an elf from Hell in that picture…

  8. SCSI says:

    Dave Doyle and Kevin Iole’s RSS feeds from Yahoo.

  9. Zurich says:

    Zack, my browser wouldn’t let me post on Bloody Elbow… but IMO, trend originators are Fight Opinion and 5 Oz of Pain, Influencers are UFCJunkie, UFC Mania, and maybe Sherdog, and Adopters/Followers are MMAWeekly and the mainstream press.

  10. Luke says:

    Zurich – what browser are you using?

  11. Euthyphro says:

    Great job by Greg Savage to get to Wanderlei. On the radio yesterday he mentioned he was on his way to talk film Randy for the usual Sherdog training videos, but it must have been a pleasant surprise to see the Axe Murderer there. It really sounds like Wanderlei to the UFC is a done deal, which bodes well for seeing him vs Chuck in December.

  12. Zurich says:

    Luke – Safari.

  13. Grape Knee High says:

    Originators: Dave Meltzer, Loretta Hunt, Dann Stupp
    Influencers: Sherdog, FightOpinion, 5 oz of Pain, MMA Weekly
    Adopters/Followers: UFC Mania, etc

  14. Luke says:

    I wish I could be more than what I am, but either by choice or design (or both), I am a total follower.

  15. The Gaijin says:

    So Andre “Dida” got screwed over in the tourney eh? Hopefully they’ll find a suitable “super fight” for him…he’s a really exciting new fighter. Maybe HEROS can turn him into their own “Axe Murderer”, as we all saw how big a draw Silva was for PRIDE in his hey day.

  16. The Gaijin says:

    Pro Elite seems to be doing a pretty good job of consolidating the remaining powerbase in mma outside of the UFC and K-1. IMO this is a good thing as they will be able to keep all of the talent that was spread out across these orgs under one roof and they’re actually doing a good job of broadening their exposure into different markets.

    Let’s just hope that we don’t see a lot of bad news coming out of the somewhat ominous report posted about their accounting practices. We don’t need an Enron scandal in mma, thank you very much.

  17. Grape Knee High says:

    Dida’s last fight was changed to an alternate bout after JZ sat out. I imagine if he keeps up the brawling, he could be a pretty good gaijin stalwart in their announced 145 lb division. I could be wrong, but he seems like a small 155, much less a 161.

  18. 45 Huddle says:

    The last WEC show got a .46 rating which is up from the .39 rating for their first live show. Viewership was up from 417,000 to 451,000. According to Meltzer, this is considered a fantastic rating for the Versus network. Shows how few people watch that channel.

    Also, the bonus payouts are $7,500. Condit got one for best submission. He ended up with $33,500. Filho got one for best submission. He ended up with $57,500 And Logan Clark & Eric Schambari got fight of the night and each got $7,500.

  19. The Gaijin says:

    45 is a fanboy. Please be gayer.

  20. Brendon says:

    Jesus what is Evander doing…


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