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Sunday stupid: Morrison’s definition of ‘MMA’

By Zach Arnold | June 10, 2007

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A UFC 72 card in Ireland without “Irish” Jake O’Brien?

The Tommy Morrison ‘fight’ on Saturday night in Arizona is being portrayed as his MMA debut in the media, despite the fact that it was a glorified boxing match. The Arizona Republic is billing this as Morrison’s MMA debut. The writer (Norm Frauenheim) is from boxing circles. The Associated Press also picked up on this ‘fight’ and portrayed it as MMA, which it was not. Michael David Smith at The Fanhouse recognizes the absurdity of the Morrison ‘fight’.

Dana White tells High School graduates what their future should be.

Vernon White is claiming that Chuck Liddell was in rehab before his UFC 71 fight with Quinton Jackson.

Digital Chosun is reporting that Choi Hong-Man’s rival in South Korea (in Ssirum), Kim Young-Hyun, has signed with K-1. I hope I got the name right.

Pro-wrestling and MMA fan Dan Le Batard of The Miami Herald has an article today in the paper called Blood, brutality win over fans.

Onto today’s headlines.

  1. MMA California: King of the Cage – Epicenter results
  2. UFC HP: Tyson Griffin and the benefits of short-term memory
  3. The New Jersey Herald: Wrestlers help MMA popularity grow
  4. The Syracuse Post-Standard: Boxing has its history
  5. Yahoo Sports: Product enhancement – Bob Arum to change production values of events
  6. The Times-Herald Record (New York): UFC has competition with the IFL
  7. The Times-Herald Record (New York): Locals lured by pull of Ultimate Fighting
  8. The Times-Herald Record: Feisty couple ultimate fans
  9. The Savannah Morning News (GA): MMA or boxing?
  10. Fight Report: Miguel Cotto wears down Zab Judah in 11 rounds
  11. The Miami Herald: Boxers, fighters engage in verbal sparring
  12. The Idaho Press-Tribune: Fighting fad goes local
  13. MMA Weekly: Ivan Canello with News from Brazil
  14. The Fightworks Podcast: Radio interview w/ Sokoudjou
  15. The South Bend Tribune (Indiana): No hooligans here – focus of MMA discipline

Topics: Boxing, HERO's, K-1, Media, MMA, South Korea, UFC, Zach Arnold | 5 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

5 Responses to “Sunday stupid: Morrison’s definition of ‘MMA’”

  1. Jonathan says:

    After reading some quotes that Morrison made to, I thoroughly believes that he literally and honestly does not know what mixed martial arts is. I think he believes fighters can choose to stand up on the feet and fight or take it to the ground…as in both fighters agree that the fight should be in one of the two arenas and that it is nigh impossible to “Take someone down”. He stated many times that he was just going to walk in there and punch a guy in the face…I think that he is confusing Toughman competitions with true mixed martial arts.

    He truly is a disgrace to the sport.

  2. mdhan says:

    The correct name of the Korean wrestler is Young-Hyun Kim(or Kim Young-Hyun in Korea.) He is one humongous dude. Let’s hope he doesn’t turn out to be an embarassment like his fellow ssirum wrestler Tae-Hyun Kim.

  3. liger05 says:

    The Cotto v Judah fight was excellent!!!

  4. Mr. Roadblock says:

    Liger05 is right. If you missed Cotto-Judah, catch the replay next week. Tremendous battle. I would have liked to have seen what would have happened if Cotto didn’t bail himself out of trouble with those low blows.

  5. Franky says:

    Thanks for not putting a link to any of my blogs under the title “Sunday Stupid” 🙂

    Stover is brave. I would not have, for any amount of money, fought a guy that at any point in his life tested positive for HIV. I don’t know who to truly believe with the whole controversy of him having it or not, but the fact is the NSAC suspended him for a positive test.


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