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Fight Opinion Radio #47: Charles Jay
By Zach Arnold | May 4, 2007

A hard-hitting 90-minute show this week covering an extraordinary amount of insider hardball topics. This week’s show is brought to you by Monster Wrestling Rings and Kakuto Store.
The 47th edition of Fight Opinion Radio is now online and available to download. Here are your options for listening to the show:
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We are looking for new sponsors. E-mail me if you are interested in having both site & radio show ads.
This week’s show preview
Our special guest this week is investigative boxing writer Charles Jay (of Total Action & The Fight Page). Charles joins us this week to talk about his series of articles in 2003 called Sirb-Gate, which was a compilation of articles investigating Greg Sirb (the executive director of the Pennsylvania SAC). In our interview with CJ, we talk to him about corruption with athletic commissions and boxing. How will potential regulation and corruption transfer over from boxing to MMA? Plus, we discuss UFC not performing drug testing at their UFC 69 and UFC 70 events. How is UFC’s drug testing policy the same or different than what we see in boxing? Furthermore, CJ discusses UFC’s potential deal with HBO and what it means for the potential growth of MMA. Can boxing and MMA co-exist or will one industry swallow the other in the combat sports sector? A must-listen interview this week!
Also discussed on this week’s show: Is Randy Couture vs. Gabriel Gonzaga a more marketable match-up than Couture vs. Mirko Cro Cop? Plus the future of Japan – is there a future at all? We have updates on Ed Fishman’s lawsuit against DSE Inc. and what potential problems it could cause for Zuffa LLC. How does the deposition process work and how long does it take? Welcome to MMA’s version of legal TV radio. You’ll benefit from listening! To close out the show, we bring to you the world-famous grab bag.
Special credit should be given to the IFL for the audio clip with Ken Shamrock and Don Frye in their ‘Dear Don’ segment that was played on our show this week.
To contact us for show feedback, you can e-mail any of us on the Fight Opinion radio staff.
- Zach Arnold – [email protected]
- Jeff Thaler – [email protected]
- Erin Bucknell – [email protected]
- Luke Nicholson – [email protected]
Topics: Boxing, Erin Bucknell, Fight Opinion Radio, IFL, Japan, Jeff Thaler, Media, MMA, podcasts, PRIDE, UFC, Zach Arnold | 5 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |
[…] « Fight Opinion Radio #47: Charles Jay […]
[…] To access the podcast, go to FightOpinion.com […]
[…] boxing writer Charles Jay stated in a radio interview last week, Mayweather made a major PR gaffe. Jay also stated that with Dana White knowing more about the […]
[…] Albrecht was alluded to as a UFC backer according to boxing writer Charles Jay on Fight Opinion Radio. […]
[…] You’ll recognize the name Greg Sirb because of the series of articles that Charles Jay wrote about him in 2003. (Related: Charles Jay on Fight Opinion Radio.) […]