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The Ultimate Fighter Season 5, Episode 4
By Erin | April 26, 2007
BJ is adamant that even though his team is down 3 fights, they can still come back.
Team Jens training session. Wayne doesn’t seem to be at the same level as everyone else and Jens thinks that he’s trying to do things the easy way. Score for the Editors who intercut a shot of Wayne saying that he’s here to fight with shots him half-heartedly whacking a punching bag.
Gabe tries to strategize to take out Weems, which if they had control of the choices would make sense, but they don’t. I’m not sure why he would worry about it now. Emerson overhears and thinks that Gabe is trying to go for the easy fight and calls Gabe on it at the house.
Melendez has a screwed up foot and is overweight. There seems to be conflict over whether he should be taking care of his foot and cutting weight or training harder. Jens isn’t willing to put him in the cage in his current shape.
Brandon does some weight cutting and looks miserable.
Gabe talks about how Marlon is a big storyteller. Maybe there’s no truth to any of it, but it’s pretty damn entertaining. Gabe says there’s no way anyone can fight five guys at once. I bet Urijah Faber and his Jackie Chan-esq adventure in Bali would disagree.
Dana ditches out on Pick Em day, so Jens hosts. The fight is announced as Brandon Melendez vs. Andy Wang.
Gabe says that Andy’s big problem is that he likes to brawl too much. BJ comments that he wants Andy to try to take Brandon down as much as possible. Andy says that his fighting is a way to honor his family and especially his grandfather who originally got him interested in it.
Oh dear, Brandon weighs in an extremely skimpy thong. And I thought Joe Stevenson’s gear was bad. He pigs out afterward.
Matt Hughes shows up to help train. Or maybe just sweep mats as we go to commercial with Matt sweeping away. Ah dammit, my Jens Love is conflicting with my Hughes Hate.
Andy and Brandon talk about their families. For a second I thought that Brandon said that his son’s name is Melancholy. Fortunately it’s just Malachi. Which is still a bit odd (Children of the Corn anyone?) but much better than Melancholy.
Brandon Melendez vs. Andy Wang
Round 1. Andy goes for a leg kick but Brandon catches it and cracks Andy in the face knocking him down. Andy gets back up and they do some more trading. At this point it seems that Andy is ignoring the advice the BJ gave him earlier about take downs as he hasn’t really tried for one yet. Both guys land some shots but neither is getting much of an advantage. Andy finally tries for a take down but nothing much comes of it. Andy loses his mouth piece and Big John pauses the fight to get it put back in. More stand up until the end of the round.
Round 2. More stand up and Andy eventually gets a cut under his eye. They clinch against the cage for a moment and Andy knocks Brandon over but he’s back up just as quickly and the fight is back to a slug fest. Andy gets Brandon to the fence again but doesn’t have much success at getting Brandon down. BJ is screaming for a takedown in the background.
Winner: Brandon Melendez via unanimous decision.
After the fight Andy admits that he’s to stubborn sometimes to listen to good advice.
Andy breaks down after the fight, and BJ makes fun of him. Yup, BJ is definitely a Bigger Dick than Matt Hughes. Congratulations.
Topics: Erin Bucknell, MMA, UFC | 7 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |
Wang diserved to get made fun of cause he disrespected and let down him and his team and showed he isn’t a great fighter.
Gabe is the most entertaining character on TV since Daffy Duck. Yep, somebody has to step up and face Wayne, and Gabe is right there to face the challenge. He needs a manager, like Lou Albano or somebody. I am waiting to hear the crowd reaction the first time Gabe gets back in the UFC.
Anyway, I think Gabe wins next week and then it may be a sweep for Team Penn from there, with the strongest part of their roster remaining.
[…] Erin Bucknell recaps the house drama here. […]
BJ is a dick. Andy fought good. He wanted to knock him out after he got stunned, so I don’t blame him. You just lose your control of yourself that you don’t think straight. C’mon he didn’t disrespect anyone. And I SO want to see Jens kick BJ’s ass at the finale.
Andy’s got a black belt in bjj and he doesn’t take the guy down once? It’s one thing to cry like Forrest Griffin did but Wang was a like a high school girl who just got dumped. It was one of the lowest shows ever in TUF.
I’ll say this though. I think that the hate for Matt Hughes has died down a bit. Everyone seems to overreact to every little thing that Matt Hughes does now.
I hope that all you realize that the EDIT MONSTER could make someone look really good or really bad
not sure why emerson was brought back, just watched diaz slap him around again, corey gonna murdalize that boy