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Nick Diaz suspended 6 months by NSAC

By Zach Arnold | April 10, 2007

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Sidenote: Latest CSAC drug suspensions.

MMA Weekly:

Fighter Nick Diaz, following his defeat of Takanori Gomi on the February 24, 2007 Pride event in Las Vegas, Nevada, also tested positive for Delta-9-THC. The commission suspended Diaz for 6 months from the date of his fight, which would be August 24, 2007 and fined him $3,000, which was 20 percent of his reported $15,000 purse.

Though Diaz’ disciplinary suspension will last six months, Diaz was already serving a six-month NSAC medical suspension due to a broken orbital bone suffered in the Gomi fight.

In addition to the suspension and fine, the NSAC also ruled that the result of the Diaz vs. Gomi contest be changed from a victory for Diaz to a result of no contest.


Personally, I’m going to look at it like the latter. Diaz, even when stoned, is one of the best MMA fighters in the game today. But come on Nick, no one really believes this was a “one-time” thing, so please don’t try to play it off in that way. That excuse just doesn’t fly for you, for Diego Sanchez, or any other fighter. MMA is hitting the mainstream now, and all fighters need to take the initiative and realize the results of their actions before they do them.

Mad Squabbles:

I’ve tackled this issue before, but please read what I wrote it if you haven’t yet. What the NSAC is doing is absolutely shameful. They are testing for a drug with no demonstrable performance effects and they are establishing “intoxication” with a test that definitively does not prove intoxication.

Topics: Media, MMA, PRIDE, Zach Arnold | 17 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

17 Responses to “Nick Diaz suspended 6 months by NSAC”

  1. Tomer Chen says:

    The real issue in this topic is that drugs such as Marijuana are listed under Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) and whether or not you agree with the CSA’s existance or the placement of various drugs in terms of the schedules, is an illegal/extremely controlled substance under the law. And considering that you are fighting under the supervision of the state government (through the commission) which gets federal government funding (and so enforces the federal law), there should be no shock that the illegal (under federal law) substances are tested under the test (just like it is under any employment test). While there is a more than legitimate argument to be made regarding the placing of drugs such as Marijuana as illegal under the CSA, as it is, that’s simply the game and a real change in the testing policy will have to come with a reclassification of the Schedules and the substances that are listed in them. Just like I can’t wave away a positive Marijuana presence in a hair fiber, blood or urinalysis test when trying to get employment at virtually any corporation, the fighters can’t just push aside the test result because they don’t agree with the law.

    If you can’t stay clean long enough to pass the test (or, in a more ominous manner, can’t get a masking agent that works to hide the illegal substance) then you will pay the price of failing the test, whatever it may be.

  2. 45 Huddle says:

    I agree with Tomer on this one.

    From the levels Diaz had in his system, it sounds like he was doing it at least once (if not more) a day. Very different from a fighter who does it once or twice before a fight.

  3. The Gaijin says:

    You guys are aware that studies have now proven Marijuana is far less “harmful” to people than alcohol and cigarettes?? It remains illegal for some arcane purpose and because of ignorance.

    This suspension, fine and result overturn are a total fucking joke and smack of ridiculousness. Look at other penalities levied: Sanchez gets a slap on the wrist and NOTHING – I’m sure it has nothing to do with the fact that he was a UFC fighter. Marijuana gives you ZERO competitive edge. They’re coming down on him for no reason whatsoever with this “reefer madness”-style justice.

    And fyi – marijuana is a fat soluble drug that sticks around in your system faaar longer than a lot of the other drugs that are tested for. Likely why all these guys are getting nailed with positive tests.

  4. occams razor says:

    What bullshit.

  5. Royal B. says:

    I’m getting real edgy with all these cali suspentions.

    Five out of six fighters suspended for weed in a seven day span is just really weird.

    Either we’ve got an underground stoner nation, or something’s wrong with the testing.

  6. TG says:

    Marijuana in Cali is obtained by getting a recomendation from a doctor. Many if not all fighters have injuries allowing them to obtain this recomendation. It doesn’t suprise me at all that Cali based guys would test positive. Its legal here, you go to the store and buy it. I would guess that Nick Diaz smokes about 1/4 ounce a week. With the available selection, smoking weed from morning to night is very possible. Certain strains keep you active and alert. and can be smoked all day without making you sleepy.

    My guess is that Nick was sober for the fight because when a heavy smoker takes a day off it makes them very aggressive and angry. Trust me I used to smoke a lot and when I would take a day off I would get this feeling I can only call FURY. You want to destroy something really bad.

    Royal B, yes there is a underground stoner nation. check

  7. Jonathan says:

    I am going with underground stoner nation.

    Having heard Diaz speak on several occasions, I feel that he is a punk. A punk who is really good at fighting, but a punk nonetheless.

  8. Rob says:

    The Mad Squabbles link directs back to here…

    Comment I left over there sums it up for me…

    “Unbelievable. Things like this make you wonder if it was worth getting “sanctioned” and “regulated.” What utter jackasses.”

    Even if you make the suspension/legality argument, which I don’t agree with, but okay… but a “no contest”? What. The. Fuck? I mean, are they seriously making the argument that somehow marijuana was a performance enhancer that constituted an unfair advantage?

  9. klown says:

    Marijuana testing is a barbaric ritual. It is evil to criminalize marijuana, but that’s a matter for another day. The topic here is whether athletes should be penalized for having marijuana in their system. And that is just absurd.


  10. Zack says:

    A lot of the laws in this country are ass backwards. Unfortunately, what politician is going to run and win on a campaign of legalizing drugs? Weed should be decriminalized in the very least.

  11. Preach says:

    It’s always funny how many people try to defend the use of marijuana, especially arguing with something like “D’oh, it’s legal to buy if you have a prescription”. So what? A doctor can prescribe you morphine, viagra or steroids. That doesn’t mean that you get a “Get-out-of-Jail”-card. If there’s anything in your “medication” that’s on the SAC’s list of banned substances you’re simply f’ed if you don’t tell them in advance and get cleared by one of their doctors. And i don’t think that a doctor would prescribe a perfectly healthy Nick Diaz (who otherwise wouldn’t get a license) his weekly dose of marijuana, because I sincerely doubt that he has something like korsakov’s syndrome, Glaucoma or epilepsy…

    And btw, Marihuana is even a “banned substance” in sports in countries that have legalized it. You wouldn’t believe how many athletes get busted for it in europe every year, especially in football (soccer).

  12. GassedOut says:

    I’m getting real edgy with all these cali suspentions.

    Five out of six fighters suspended for weed in a seven day span is just really weird.

    Either we’ve got an underground stoner nation, or something’s wrong with the testing.

    I’m going with underground stoner nation. It’s been that way since the 1960s, man… 😉

  13. JThue says:

    “Even if you make the suspension/legality argument, which I don’t agree with, but okay… but a “no contest”? What. The. Fuck? I mean, are they seriously making the argument that somehow marijuana was a performance enhancer that constituted an unfair advantage?”

    – There wouldn’t have been a fight if he’d been tested before the fight and results came back immediately(somewhere in the future, bladiblah). No fight = No Contest. It didn’t happen. They’re not overturning the dicision to a loss, and since no title was at stake, it’s quite simply an easy and uncontroversial decision to make – No Contest. I’ve seen arguments here and there comparing to Sanchez(in another state and possibly lower THC levels) and Barnett (another time, plus title situation), both of which are unfair to make. Nick Diaz screwed up, and not just a little but BIG, and now he’s paying for it. Mind you, he’s hardly facing any major consequences. The fine would be the hardest part. He’s already suspended for that long anyway, and it’s not like this will put an end to the rematch down the line.

  14. I guess it’s only natural that as the sport gains legitimacy this kind of thing is going to happen for a while till fighters realize they can’t get away with it any more. Expect more of the same from all the under 25 year old fighters for the next 2 years and then everyone will smarten up.

  15. occams razor says:

    attitudes like some of the ones displayed here are what makes it possible for the state to move forward with backwater policies like marijuana prohibition.

    who cares if it’s illegal, is the law always right? why is what’s legal more important to some of you than what is JUST?

    nick doesn’t deserve this, and to take the win off the record is ridiculous.

  16. Rob says:

    JThue – Actually, further reading on the topic around various sites, the commision – at least one member of the board – makes the argument that Diaz’ pain tolerance was increased by his use of marijuana. Which is just re-god-damn-diculous. It was a hard fought win, and to have it called a NC is absurd.

  17. DROC says:

    Why on earth would you quote Mad Squabbles? the guy obviously hasn’t got a clue what he’s talking about. There have been a number of statements by members of the NSAC about testing for Marijuana but this fool still doesn’t seem to understand

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