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Tuesday headlines: Encountering troublemakers

By Zach Arnold | April 9, 2007

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Yomiuri Online has a story getting national attention in the Japanese media. The story details a new relationship established between the JBC (Japan Boxing Commission) and the Tokyo Metropolitan Police department to try to keep the boryokudan (yakuza) out of the sport of Japanese boxing. An estimated 300 boxing gyms will be part of an educational course process to learn how to fight off the yakuza from infiltrating the business. The hope by the JBC is to encourage an environment at boxing shows for children and women to attend.

This story comes on the heels of a campaign in late 2006 with the Japan Sumo Association working with Tokyo Metropolitan Police to talk to Sumo wrestlers, managers, and stables on how to keep the yakuza out of their business (this was before the January tournament series at Ryogoku Kokugikan in Tokyo).

IFL Battleground

Post your thoughts on the show in the comments section. I enjoyed watching Matt Lindland fight last night. He’s a likeable character and a very interesting fighter. He’s an excellent fighter to build a top event program around.

Stock exchange

Over at The Underground Forum, there is a link to an SEC filing for Pro Elite Inc.’s reverse stock merger with Real Sports Inc. This is the end result.

Today’s media headlines.

  1. The Daily O’Collegian (Oklahoma State University): OSU graduate Crag Cobb overcomes injuries to cage fight
  2. The Albuquerque Tribune: No more perfect career for Diego Sanchez
  3. Sherdog: Phil Baroni arrested in Miami, out on bond
  4. The St. Petersburg Times: Cage offers a new release (story on Corey Hill)
  5. NSAC: Medical suspensions coming out of 4/5 Las Vegas UFC event
  6. The Daily Reveille (LSU): UFC rising among nation’s sports
  7. The Baltimore Sun: Who will be TUF 5’s Sanjaya Malakar?
  8. Jake Rossen: Trading places (UFC and PRIDE)
  9. The Chronicle Herald (Halifax, Nova Scotia): Jason Mackay’s ECC win will stand
  10. The Fight Network: Mark Hominick will face Urijah Faber in WEC this June
  11. Thomas Hauser: New York state athletic commission considering legislation to legalize MMA in the state

Topics: Boxing, Canada, Japan, Media, MMA, Pro Elite, UFC, Zach Arnold | 16 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

16 Responses to “Tuesday headlines: Encountering troublemakers”

  1. xx2000xx says:

    Baroni arrested?!??! My god, I’d never see that happening in my life.

    What I can see is this, Big Nog in the UFC. Instead of cans like cro cop, they will give nog either Sylvia or Vera. Once he beats either, he’s top of the food chain.

    They won’t mess around with Nog, when Wherdum beats Arlovski by decision, they should throw him tothe belt. Point is this cro/nog are in the HW divison now, and cap. american is ready to get beating down like no other.

  2. Liger05 says:

    Can Japanese Boxing do this? Would the pro-wrestling industry in Japan rather have the Yakuza influence or not? Did the various leagues ever think of the same idea of keeping the Yakuza out or is just not possible?

    Does Pro-wrestling/MMA in Japan need the Yakuza more than the Yakuza need them?

  3. Zach Arnold says:

    The chicken and the egg question. And the answer to that is neither, it’s option three – TV. But as demonstrated in the Gendai series of articles against PRIDE, they claimed that TV producers like Kunio Kiyohara benefit the most from kickbacks by associating with questionable people.

  4. PizzaChef says:

    The story behind Baroni is that a few Africans hit on his girlfriend and one just forced himself on her and kissed her then Baroni defended his woman. I don’t like Baroni but you got to give him props for that.

  5. DarthMolen says:

    Yes, but you don’t talk back or push the cops afterwards (Supposition on the pushing although that is probably what it was since it was only a minor felony they are pressing him on). You might be from the Bronx and that might be how they do that up there….

    But in the South that is a cardinal sin.

    Props to him for defending his GF but ratchet down the testosterone once the deed is done.

  6. DarthMolen says:

    And dangit Zach. Can’t you wait a day on BG’s… Its on Tivo man, I’ll comment tomorrow 😉

  7. DarthMolen says:

    Ah, i do have one comment on Battlegrounds before I watch em.

    My Father-in-law actually commented to me about them without me prompting. Seems he actually sits down on Monday nights and watches the International – Fighting – Something or other (his words btw) and really likes em.

    So it can’t be all that bad for the IFL.

  8. Well, the exposure is good. But it’s the failure to take that exposure and turn it into money that’s hurting the IFL. At the moment they’re losing money mainly through running their live shows. If they could make money on the live shows they’d be in a much better position to stay afloat. But remember, past live gate money, their main source of revenue is through TV, and I heard something about them practically having to buy their way onto Fox Sports.

  9. klown says:


    “A few Africans”?

  10. DarthMolen says:

    Chinese / African/ Martian. I don’t see Baroni being the type of man who would take kindly to any humanoid kissing his wife in public.

  11. Does anyone know what the advantages of going public as a fighting company are? As far as i can see, it seems to be something that companies do to raise capital. But I thought that the groups running pro elite had big money behind them, so why do this?

  12. Rollo the Cat says:

    The Batlleground show last night was the best yet. I think getting to watch Lindland in two fights against two good opponents, especially Newton is amazing for free tv. The whole show focused on the Wolfpack and exposing the personaliites and characters that make up the team. Well done.

    Is Matt Horwich an actor or should he be cleared by a psychiatrist to fight? I am not sure yet.

  13. DarthMolen says:

    Matt Horwich is the real thing. Take my word on it.

  14. Rollo the Cat says:

    “Matt Horwich is the real thing. Take my word on it.”

    Real what, is the question.

  15. Dedwyre says:

    A couple casual MMA fans told me they enjoyed the IFL shows on MyNetwork TV. They never saw the first episode, though, and neither have I. Probably for the best.

  16. 45 Huddle says:

    Nick Diaz’s win over Takanori Gomi has been ruled a No-Contest. Story is at MMA Weekly.

    If Ivan Trembow is around, I have two quick question for him.

    1. With Diaz’s fight being ruled a no contest, he now doesn’t have any official fights at 160 lbs. Does this mean he should be removed from the rankings? I think so.

    2. Obviously once Pride moves weight classes, your weight classes will get moved accordingly (155 lbs being Lightweight). Any discussion on adding a Featherweight Rankings once the WEC gets more established?


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