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Saturday news flash

By Zach Arnold | February 17, 2007

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Shin’ya Aoki defeated Akira Kikuchi by a 2-1 judges’ decision in the main event of today’s Shooto event in Yokohama at Pacifico National Hall.

The R1 Gym sent out a mass e-mail stating that Frank Trigg wants to both fight and do commentary for the PRIDE 2/24 Las Vegas show. ” I will get the job done inside the PRIDE ring then go back to the broadcast booth & tell you about it.” On fighting Kazuo Misaki: “I ain’t going home no punk, I’m gonna knock his dick in the dirt.” If this was California, Frank would have been immediately suspended.

This is never a positive to read if you are in the Japanese fight industry. Read the whole thread.

Episode 1 of BodogFight: Season 2 (file size – 458 MB). If someone actually wants to do TV reviews of the BoDog shows, e-mail me.

Thomas “Wildman” Denny (who was scheduled to fight Nick Diaz on the now-cancelled Gracie FC 1/20 Miami show) will be fighting for King of the Cage on March 10th at Avi Casino in Laughlin, Nevada.

Frank Shamrock will be holding open try-outs on Saturday for his IFL Razorclaws team at the Shamrock Submission Fight Team facility in San Jose, California (11 AM-5 PM).

More news and headlines will be updated on this post throughout the day. Onto today’s headlines.

  1. The Fight Network: Cage Rage 4/21 UK card (Bob Sapp vs. Robert Berry, Vitor Belfort vs. Marvin Eastman, Mark Weir vs. Daijiro Matsui)
  2. The Bay City Times: Toughman promoter Art Dore refuses to abide by Michigan DLEG’s Cease & Desist orders to stop promoting illegal MMA events
  3. Budo Videos: Stephen Quadros previews PRIDE 33
  4. New episode of Fight Game video
  5. Random Speak: Interview with Nathan “The Rock” Quarry (who is no longer with Team Quest despite what the interview says)
  6. MMA California: More PRIDE ticket giveaways
  7. Sherdog: Thiago Alves suspended for 8 months
  8. Bodog Beat: Royce Gracie thrills MMA fighters, fans in Costa Rica
  9. The Sunday Paper: Takedowns and knockouts (article about Carlos Newton)
  10. WTVF (Nashville, TN): Ultimate fighting seeks legal status in Tennessee
  11. Bloomberg: IFL’s stock soars – why?
  12. The Roanoke Times: Virginia may soon regulate professional fighting
  13. Associated Press (via Fox Sports): Jim Lampley charged Friday with violating a temporary restraining order
  14. The Associated Press (via The Casper Star Tribune): Wyoming aiming to get a boxing commissioner, likely to oversee boxing & MMA

Topics: All Topics, BoDog, Boxing, Japan, Media, MMA, PRIDE, Zach Arnold | 8 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

8 Responses to “Saturday news flash”

  1. CapnHulk says:

    I love Steve’s prediction for Shogun and Overeem.

    “Mauricio Rua by Chute Boxe violence”

  2. Ivan Trembow says:

    In-depth coverage of all five NSAC proceedings (Kevin Randleman, Gilbert Yvel, Thiago Alves, Erin Toughill, and Aaron Carvalho) is up on at

    This article also about the February 24th Pride card now that Yvel isn’t going to be on it.

  3. Lynchman says:

    I have to say, I am impressed by how Randleman handled his hearing.

  4. The Gaijin says:


    Aren’t you getting sick in general of the way it seems that American celebrities etc. attempt to “apologize”?? (This isn’t an attack on American’s – just an observation that is coming from basically only seeing (North) American media in general)

    It’s never DIRECTLY the person’s fault and there’s always some overlying “reason” for their reprehensible behaviour. You never hear an outright apology or admission of guilt or fault on the individual. It’s always: I have a drinking problem, this happened, that happened. Hell even the US government’s explanations for the failed Iraqi war show the type of contempt that modern society has for admitting one’s own guilt. It hasn’t been “We fabricated a reason to fight a war where we didn’t belong in the first place”, but “We were misled.” or it’s the fault of the Iraqi people that we invaded their country and they never wanted us here – “we’ve done all we can but the Iraqis dont want a democracy”.

    Kevin Randleman is just one person in a line of MANY who have come up with some “reason” they broke the rules and instead of manning up and taking his punishment like a man, he’s coming in blaming something else to veil his apology. He cheated but he has a compelling reason!

  5. Zach Arnold says:

    Read the news links. 🙂 We’ve been discussing them wanting to come to Nevada or California for a few months now, and it’s already true that K-1 wants to talk to the CSAC about using Royce for a California show.

  6. Stu says:

    Trigg noooo don’t do it, Barnett is ten times better for that role.

  7. The Gaijin says:


    Hasn’t the whole legend of Royce and a great deal of his aura (read drawing ability) been tarnished by his smashing at the hands of Hughes?


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