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Milan hosts New Generation Tournament II

By Mark Pickering | February 17, 2007

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By Mark Pickering

Milan, the fashion capital of the world, a city more akin to the glamorous world of design and lavish indulgence, will host Italy’s leading mixed martial arts and submission event, New Generation Tournament II, on Sunday, March 25th.

Highlighting the vast yet unheralded European scene, the second edition of the fledgling tournament, which launched the careers of the countries greatest prospects, many of whom have since competed in Britain’s premier organisations, including Cage Rage and CageWarriors, will once again feature young and promising combatants as well as seasoned veterans.

While the more experienced fighters will compete under PRIDE rules (2 rounds, first 10m, second 5m), their counterparts will throwdown for two five-minute rounds with no kicks or knees to the head permitted while their opponent is grounded.
NGN II has announced a partial list of competitors:

A triumvirate of the sport’s most popular journeymen, Enson Inoue, Remco Pardoel and Mathieu Nicourt, will all be in attendance, cornering their respective fighters.

Topics: All Topics, Mark Pickering, MMA | 1 Comment » | Permalink | Trackback |

One Response to “Milan hosts New Generation Tournament II”

  1. Preach says:

    Damn, i’m on a film festival that day, otherwise i’d go (especially since the flight’s just 20 euros)…


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