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Sunday fight headlines

By Zach Arnold | February 11, 2007

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  1. The Deseret News: How the Sydney Olympics changed wrestler Rulon Gardner’s life (key line in the article is that PRIDE keeps calling him with offers to fight Fedor at $500,000 USD)
  2. Observer: Reader challenges Eddie Goldman in regards to the ‘ground rule’ in effect at the Elite XC show
  3. The Cleveland Plain-Dealer: MMA is not safer than boxing — according to this writer
  4. Doghouse Boxing: Shane Mosley defeats Luis Collazo
  5. Boxing Scene: Sugar Shane is too sweet for Luis Collazo
  6. China Combat: BJJ is catching up with Kung Fu
  7. The Las Vegas Review-Journal: UFC owners pledge $2 million to college
  8. MMA HQ: Liddell vs. Rampage at UFC 71?
  9. New York Newsday: Your money – WWE, UFC, IFL
  10. MMA HQ: Brandon Vera demanding too much?
  11. The Muskegon Chronicle: The cage is the rage – MMA show the ultimate for 3,000 fight fans (read some of the quotes comparing MMA to Toughman)
  12. The Muskegon Chronicle: MMA professional earns title fight
  13. New America Media: Women fight their way into MMA
  14. The Cincinnati Enquirer: Training to be the ultimate – the violent and often bloody sport is going mainstream
  15. 7 Days: ‘Bigger than boxing’
  16. The Quay County Sun: City nixes event ban
  17. UFC Mania: BJ Penn’s girlfriend, Tori Paver, is hot

Topics: All Topics, Media, MMA, PRIDE, Zach Arnold | 14 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

14 Responses to “Sunday fight headlines”

  1. The MMA Critic says:

    josh Gross wrote a surprising honest article on the Showtime MMA event. He was very critical of Frank Shamrock.

    As for Liddell vs. Rampage 2…. I actually don’t like that fight happening in May. I would have rather seen Liddell vs. Jardine, and Quinton having another fight first. Have some build up to this. Having the whole 1 fight and title shot thing can only work on select occasions. The slow build-up makes the fight better in the long run. This is what happened with Liddell vs. Ortiz 2, and it had over 1 Million PPV Buys.

    As for the Showtime MMA event, it appears to have had almost little impact on the world of MMA. I see basically no videos on YouTube or Daily Motion for this event. Zach Arnold gave me a link yesterday to check and see if there was a lot of talk on MySpace about it, and there realy wasn’t too much.

    For as much as us hardcore fans can make a big deal about events like this….. The reality is that only the UFC is in the minds of most casual fans. And even with crappy main events like Silva vs. Lutter, the UFC can still make huge gates. The rest, is really just for the hardcore fans.

  2. The MMA Critic says:

    And keep in mind that “Old School” rules for Frank Shamrock were his Pancrase days, which had the most restrictive rules in the history of MMA. And he never seemed to have issues back then. Open Palm Strikes, padded legs, and almost no striking on the ground should have made it easy for him to realize what the rules were.

  3. The MMA Critic says:

    Quote of the year from Sherdog’s video…..

    “I was letting him lay on my so I could beat on him.” – Frank Shamrock

  4. Jordan Breen says:

    Two articles about Mosley? Zzzzzz. That was some ugly shit.

    It never ceases to amaze me how barren Mosley’s resume is, seriously

  5. JOSH says:

    I agree Liddell/Rampage II is waaay to early to be happening in May…but then again with Sherk out until July, GSP defending in May and both Sylvia and Silva (at that time) making title defenses…it seems the UFC has little else to offer in ways of a title shot.

  6. Mr. Roadblock says:

    What is the build up you speak of for Iceman/Rampage II? It’s been 3 1/2 years coming. I guess you’re right when you’re talking about TUF noobs not knowing who the guy is. That could be rectified by letting QJ do color commentary on a UFN special.

    We shouldn’t dignify Frank Shamrock by speaking about him. The rule change happened 7 years ago. He was in sidemount. Renzo would have bludgeoned him with knees to the head if that fight was in Pride. Also did Frank not notice that they were wearing gloves. Gimme a break. He’d stand no chance with Renzo under real Vale Tudo rules.

  7. Big B says:

    Hey Fight Opinion Editor. You have used one of my stories that I wrote for MMA-HQ. I’m still going to submit stories to his site, but if you find a story on my website (World-of-MMA) feel free to use it. I entered the link in this comment. But if it doesn’t work…enter this address.

    Big B

  8. Royal B. says:

    Out of all the people at the Muskegon event, why did they pick Cletus, the Slacked Jawwed yokel? Why!?

  9. JThue says:

    Even if knees to head were legal, those strikes would still have been ILLEGAL, as no-one allows blatant shots to the spine and back of the head. The DQ call was absolutely correct, and HERB was absolutely excellent in handling it, not least giving a freaking interview in the cage on live TV. Some of his stand up calls were ridiculous, however. UFC can indeed be blamed for that.

    Any gate numbers for EXC yet? Crowd wise they sure came off a lot better than WFA, IFL and bodogFIGHT, but Shaw also is all for papering for TV(I so assume he’s smarter about promotion AND papering than IFL though).

    MMA Critic: Who are you arguing against with your constant mentions of EliteXC not being anywhere near UFC in attention and popularity? You mentioned it about fifty times in the event thread, and here it is again.

    Definitely too soon for Rampage – Liddell, but then again it could be the only way(if he beats Liddell) to be sure to tie Rampage to a longer deal.

  10. JThue says:

    “UFC Mania: BJ Penn’s girlfriend, Tori Paver, is hot”

    And here I was thinking GOMI was BJ’s b*tch.

  11. Jordan Breen says:

    “Some of his stand up calls were ridiculous, however. UFC can indeed be blamed for that.”


    I’m all out of Fresca. GODDAMN YOU, DANA WHITE.

  12. Zack says:

    “I would have rather seen Liddell vs. Jardine”

    Uh…can we finally have Chuck fight a legit challenger? Seeing Chuck vs Forrest or Jardine or anyone other than elite dudes at this point is so frustrating. Liddell is 37 now and it’s kind of now or never when it comes to the dream matches we want to see him in. No disrespect to Jardine…he’s a tough dude for sure, but he almost got KO’d by Bonnar. Main event fights shouldn’t open with lines where one dude is +500.

  13. JThue says:


    UFC’s recent dummification of referees. And duh.

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