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Sunday evening headlines

By Zach Arnold | January 7, 2007

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  1. The Wall street Journal: Writer compares ‘ultimate fighting’ to Saddam Hussein’s execution
  2. The New York Times: Few rules, but to the fighters, pure sport (story about NHB competitions in NYC)
  3. Ivan Trembow: UFC 66 breaks records; UFC business year-in-review
  4. The Journal News: Packing a punch (IFL article)
  5. The New York Times: Woman joins fight club (article about 24-year old Kat Amano, who is profiled as the new type of female fan that MMA is attracting)
  6. The Florida Sun-Sentinel: First boxing sellout for Hard Rock Live Arena in Hollywood, Florida
  7. Fight Report: Samuel Peter convincingly beats James Toney over 12 rounds
  8. The Fight Network: Thiago Alves admits to drug use
  9. Fox Sports (Dave Doyle): Big conference on Wednesday in Los Angeles about MMA
  10. The Northwest Herald: Al Lagattolla – MMA fighter on the rise (article about Clay Guida)

And a news item from acquaintance Mike Sawyer: Big John McCarthy was awarded his Black Belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu tonight. John is the first Black Belt at Big John McCarthy’s Ultimate Training Academy, presented by the BJMUTA Council of Black Belts including Mike Ortiz, Lou Salseda, Todd White and Felicia Oh.

Topics: All Topics, Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 9 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

9 Responses to “Sunday evening headlines”

  1. mateo suge says:

    Some of the panelists for the conference in LA:
    UFC vice-president Craig Borsari
    IFL founder Gareb Shamus
    XBox executive Bill Neilsen

    Why is someone in the videogame industry part of the panel?

  2. JOSH says:

    Because X-box is a major sponser of the IFL. Tehcnically Gareb Shamus is just a fan boy with lots of money.

  3. Zack says:

    Can someone start lobbying for knees to the head on the ground already?

  4. Royal B. says:

    That “Fan Boy” was one of the leading moneymakers during comics Speculator Plague era. Anyone and everyone who was a collector was buying his Wizard magazine not for the articles, but for the price guide.

    Little did anyone know that the prices where way off their mark.

    Don’t even get me started on the huge Kickbacks he was getting from Marvel and WB, which eventually led to a stagnation of the comic industry.

    So even though he delves into the “Fan Boy” culture, that boy is Ric Flair and Reed Hastings rolled into one.

  5. Ivan Trembow says:

    That Wall Street Journal article is members only but from the first paragraph it looks like the kind of story that usually prompts me to say in the comments section if there is one, “Hey, 1997 called and it wants its uneducated opinions back.”

  6. Luxury Liner says:

    Does anyone happen to have an external link to that Wall Street Journal article. I know Dr. Verghese, he is on faculty here in San Antonio at my medical school. I would like to opine if I can.

  7. JOSH says:

    Royal B: Im associating “fan boy” as in relation to MMA. Shamus has NO MMA experience himself, he is just a guy who liked MMA alot and has the money (from the Wizard empire) to do something about it. Thus in the MAM world he is a fanboy. In the comic world he is pretty high up there….but considering this is in relatin to an MMA seminar, thats neither here nor there.

  8. Oh man, if you thought the Wall Street article was ignorant, check out the article on Sherdog about the UFC on HBO.

  9. JOSH says:

    yea i laughes at that…though he is right….I would watch naked boxing…of courseFEMALE naked boxing.


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