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Sunday media spread

By Zach Arnold | December 24, 2006

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Today’s top news stories, plus a look at the MMA calendar for the next 45 days. Key word: Oversaturation. Plus, go listen to the Christmas radio show if you haven’t already. Plus, Kimbo Slice returns.

  1. The Underground Forum: Paul Buentello vs. Kimbo Slice? Why?
  2. MMA Weekly: PRIDE books third Las Vegas show date on 4/28
  3. New York Daily News: More than 6,000 fans expected to attend the IFL 12/29 Mohegan Sun Arena event
  4. Honolulu Star-Bulletin: Mayhem Miller seeks return to his career after acquittal
  5. Gambling911: Liddell favored by -240 over Tito Ortiz

Grab some caffeine

The next 45 days are going to be insane if you are an MMA fan. A sampling (I used that word) of what is coming up:

Topics: All Topics, Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 8 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

8 Responses to “Sunday media spread”

  1. UFCmania says:

    Great show man … congrats on the success.

  2. JOSH says:

    It truly is a GREAT time to be a MMA fan. Happy holidays all!

  3. The radio show made my flight from Montreal to Tennessee bearable, thank! However, the MIDI christmas music between segments almost killed me!

  4. Zach Arnold says:

    However, the MIDI christmas music between segments almost killed me!

    The awesome music is what made the show. That and avoiding copyright infringement on a large scale. If someone wants to buy me access to that giant, mysterious collection of public domain tracks, send it my way.

  5. JThue says:

    MMAWeekly has this tendancy to swing from the absolute excellent(like Trembow’s in-depth ratings and salary-editorials) to the complete opposite (completely ignoring huge official promotion sites and only relaying news that are announced there many days, even weeks later). The latter today, with the “speculation” that Shamrock’s Lions may fight at the June event, when IFL has announced Lions vs. Scorpions for that site & date TBD event ONE MONTH ago. Remarkable, really.

    over-saturation: Really depends on how you look at it. UFC is the only promotion giving too much of themselves, and one particular city or state can only handle so and so many events at once, etc; but at the same time the actual amount of shows in itself still fades in comparison to pro sports and wrestling. I’ll be checking out everything listed(pendingf IFL being shown on FSN), except for TnU, and don’t have a problem with it at all. In fact, december has been hard to get through since the K1 GP Finals/bodog-weekend.

  6. JOSH says:

    I agree with JThue, compared to other sports this isnt a drop in the bucket.

  7. Yeah … I figure compare it like this: Other sports have teams, and teams have schedules to generally avoid oversaturation. In hockey you’ll get one game a week for your team, maybe two a week. However, for the average MMA fan, the sport as a whole is their team, and this week we have way more MMA than we can handle. Never mind the NYE shows … on NY’s day, Spike is doing an Ultimate Fight Night marathon as well!

    Normally I’m the kind of person who pays for his shows or goes out to a bar to watch these things, but for the month of January I’ll be relying on torrents very heavily to keep up with all the stuff happening. I doubt i’ll leave the house Jan 1st – 3rd so i can watch all the events. I’d space it out, but i run this damned mma news linking site and if i don’t watch them immediately, i either fall behind on my site, or the event results get spoiled 🙁

    I’m excited, but this coming weekend is starting to look more like a gauntlet than a pleasure.

  8. Oh and Zach : whenever you want free-use music, the keyword to search is ‘Creative Commons’. Here’s a site with CC music:

    Hope that helps in the future!

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