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Wednesday weekly notes

By Zach Arnold | December 20, 2006

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There is a lot going on behind the scenes that will come to fruition publicly in a couple of days. You will be pleased by what is being produced.

  1. Business Wire (PR): Andrei Arlovski gets top role in film Never Submit
  2. The News & Star (UK): Cage Rage star Rob Broughton praises Workington promoter
  3. BodogFight: Notes from second season of their reality show taping in Russia
  4. Japanese boxing: Koki Kameda defeated Juan Jose Landaeta by unanimous decision after 12R to retain the WBA World Light Flyweight title. Scores were 115-113, 116-111, and 119-108.
  5. UFC Junkie: UFN 12/13 Miramar fighter salary pay-scale figures
  6. MMA Weekly: Analyzing Elite XC’s public unveiling
  7. Sherdog: Tim Sylvia signs three-fight extension to stay with UFC

Topics: All Topics, Boxing, Japan, Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 9 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

9 Responses to “Wednesday weekly notes”

  1. Fatlip says:

    Kameda won fair and square this time, although that score of 119-108 was a bit out there to say the least. A lot of the rounds were close but Kameda had a lot more momentum going into the later rounds. Why he reverted back to his old tactics of going head-first and put himself in danger of losing a point was puzzling.

  2. JOSH says:

    Well thats good to know. Like most other japanese fans, my father and I both thought that first match was a load of crap. Lets see if word that Kameda is going to move weight classes comes true, and then he will fight HOPEFULLY some better talent.

  3. Fatlip says:

    His strategy was too much for Landaeta to overcome and it was apparent that he didn’t expect Kameda to fight like that. I think it’s pretty much a lock that he’s going to move up and I doubt he makes weight all that easy either. But if he keeps fighting like he did yesterday I can see him going places.

  4. JOSH says:

    Thats good. My father is a huge fan of the Kameda bros (im still iffy on them) To me they look like they have potential but they seem mor flash in the pans then legitimate champions. But eh anytime a japaense boxer acheives fame, is good IMO.

  5. monkeymatt says:

    It was a good fight, Landaeta seemed kind of overwhelmed after about the fourth round…

    I’m torn. I want to like Kameda, but they are such a bunch of obnoxious little shits, it’s hard…

    Still, his Dad showed some class for the first time ever, parading Landaeta around the ring, raising his hand, and thanking Landaeta’s trainers. (Usually he just monkey walks to there corner and looks like he’s going to spit in their eyes.)

  6. Timothy Lee says:

    I hope you guys realize that Some of the UFC fighters do get paid more than what’s being reported to the Athletic Comission.


    Fight of the Night: The Winner and Loser get’s $10,000
    KO of the Night: Winner get’s $10,000
    Sub of the Night: Winner get’s $10,000

    Don’t forget about Endorsement deals and sponsers. UFC does compensate for certain sponsers that UFC does not approve of.

  7. mmaguru says:

    actually its 20 grand for each

  8. Allen says:

    The bonuses from UFC are cool and all, but wouldn’t you prefer to have Master Ishii slipping you a wad of cash backstage, or Inoki sending you home with a gym bag full of hundreds?

  9. JOSH says:

    Agreed to Allen

    Also agreed with monkeymatt…the Kameda family come off cocky as shit BUT its also what gets them media attention. But bottom line they all have great potential, will be intresting to see where it goes for all three of them.

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