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Saturday media headlines

By Zach Arnold | December 16, 2006

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More pontificating on Mirko’s future. For the sake of frivolity, let’s start with some Bronko Cikatic comments.

  1. KFMB News 8: Combat sport becomes a kinder and gentler fight (the Zuffa Myth shows up once again)
  2. Journal Gazette and Times-Courier: Clay French follows in Hughes’ fighting footsteps
  3. Gambling 911: PRIDE potential buyers could include Calvin Ayre
  4. Hawaii: Cabbage Correira vs. Deutsch Puu booked in a K-1 rules match on January 27th at Blaisdell Arena for the Punishment in Paradise event.
  5. IFL HP: An interview with Ken Shamrock
  6. UFC Junkie: UFC Fight Night 7 draws 1.3 cable TV rating
  7. Sport Index (Croatian): Mirko’s manager is angry with reports that Mirko has signed with UFC
  8. MMA Fighting: Jens Pulver talks about being a coach on TUF season 5

Topics: All Topics, Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 14 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

14 Responses to “Saturday media headlines”

  1. JOSH says:

    Wow if this interview with Branco is correct (he hasbeen known to be VERY bitter towards PRIDE) thats HUGE!

  2. Zach Arnold says:

    The war between Bronko and Mirko’s camp has been going on seemingly forever.

  3. PizzaChef says:

    Which one of Mirko’s fights is Branko referring to as a work?

  4. TorontoMike says:

    Branko is shady too.

  5. Allen says:

    I remember the Branco/Smith fight, except it went more like, he get’s taken down, looks scared/clueless while on the ground, then frantically taps to a forearm choke.

    ” First fight i had in 1999 vs. Ralph White, i won that fight via KO in first round. However on the internet you will probably read that i lost that fight by submission, wich is not true”

    Didn’t he try to cripple him, then got DQ’d as a result?

  6. Tomer Chen says:

    From what I remember, it was a kickboxing exhibition fight where he kicked Ralph in the head while he was down on the ground and was DQd.

  7. The Gaijin says:


    He was in a kickboxing match with White and he kicked him in the head on the ground.

    vs. Kerr – he was holding the ropes and REFUSED to let go when he was being taken down, then he started using downward elbow strikes on his head and neck.

    vs. Smith – he was totally clueless and panicked like no other.

    F*cking arsehole is all he is and bitter b/c hes a total nobody now.

    I cannot believe MMA Critic actually believes these statements of a complete goon and total retard to lay judgement on an organization…oh wait yes I can.

  8. ninja 4:20 says:

    gaijin – getting a bit excited arent you?

    fing arsehole? bitter? total nobody? complete goon? total retard? couldnt think of anymore insults?

    while cikatic is not my cup of tea, everything he says about PRIDE and their criminal links and those of cc’s manager, Imai is all true.

    can you deny that PRIDE had worked fights or that CIkatic was asked or paid to work a fight? or that PRIDE is owned by criminals and that Imai is one of these? seems to me that cikatic is on the money here

  9. The Gaijin says:

    I think he’s a complete f*ing asshole. He has a VERY SORTED past and is a complete criminal in his own right. He’s merely taking advantage of the current situation to take potshots at the organization and at Mirko, both of whom it’s no secret that he doesnt like and that they don’t like him.

    Branko Cikatic is a moron, criminal and a total lowlife…giving credence to anything he says is pretty foolish. He’s making all these statements for his own gain.

  10. ninja 4:20 says:

    you have some proof about his criminality? i would equate his criminality as pretty much the same as Suckmibara’s criminality. wouldnt you agree?

    just because he doesnt like PRIDE and cc doesnt make what he says false. you choose not to believe it because you follow the PRIDE religion, but what he says matches the known facts, so sounds more than credible to me

    from what i hear, crocop has been engaging in his own alleged criminal actions in croatia – a pro fighter engaging in threatening people for business purposes – very nice

    and what sort of gain do you think he is making? you reckon he got paid millions of $$ to give an internet interview? dont be silly

  11. Zach Arnold says:

    Cikatic is such a wild card that it’s difficult to understand which of his claims are true and which are false. There have been more legal issues between him and Mirko’s camp than I can recall in the past few years. It’s just a giant mess. I still remember that fight he had against Kerr in PRIDE 2, I think it was, where he was crazy and just kept grabbing the ropes. He is crazy.

  12. The Gaijin says:

    Cikatic has been charged several times for assaults, he was busted for planting a bomb in someone’s car in Croatia. He’s a total POS.

    The fact that he is making vague and wild claims about rumours and items that have been public knowledge doesn’t bring any credibility to his claims. IF anything he is manipulating or taking advantage of the fact that these rumours/information exist in order to give his claims more credibility.

    I’m not following any religion but what I am doing is looking at the character of a person who is a completely insane thug with a checkered past and saying that his claims don’t and shouldnt hold much water. He’s trying to drum up notoriety for himself by fanning flames of controversy that already exist – so what if he SAYS that these vague and wild claims are true….thats like OJ Simpson or Mike Tyson coming out and trying to use current and past rumours to bash his rivals and give his claims credibility.

    Im just not buying it, you believe whatever you like.

  13. Tomer Chen says:

    “Cikatic is such a wild card that it’s difficult to understand which of his claims are true and which are false. There have been more legal issues between him and Mirko’s camp than I can recall in the past few years. It’s just a giant mess. I still remember that fight he had against Kerr in PRIDE 2, I think it was, where he was crazy and just kept grabbing the ropes. He is crazy.”

    I thought the aftermath was just as crazy (and great turnaround on Cikatic’s illegal strikes and constant rope grabbing), when Kerr went berserk (was having ‘roid rage?) and pummeled Cikatic to the ground after the fight itself. Of course, I think ‘Dirty’ Bob Schrijber vs. Daijiro Matsui from PRIDE 7 was even wackier than this fight when it came to dirty tactics and Don Frye vs. Gilbert Yvel from PRIDE 16 came close to these two (some would argue was even dirtier than Kerr vs. Cikatic).

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