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Sunday news spread

By Zach Arnold | December 17, 2006

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First Pro-Am event ever in Las Vegas happening on 12/29, potential contractual issues dog Frank Shamrock, and Rich Franklin is back in training.

  1. Great Falls Tribune: Fightforce MMA event draws successful crowd
  2. Event calendar: Fight card line-up for Pro-Am MMA event in Las Vegas on 12/29 (featuring some well-known MMA names attending as guests or participants — including a Manny Reyes sighting! Background information here.)
  3. MMA Weekly: Contractual questions surround Shamrock vs. Gracie
  4. Press release: Team Quest gym at 18206 SE Stark Street in Gresham, Oregon will be open every Sunday between 11 AM-12:30 PM for weekly open grappling sessions to the public. Call 503-661-4134 for more information.
  5. Fox Sports: The Weekly Tapout – Bill Goldberg hooks up with Elite XC
  6. WQAD: Miletich camp provides helping hand
  7. Milk Was a Bad Choice: NBA or UFC? (plus video here and hereMSG Network has full coverage)
  8. The Underground Forum: Phil Baroni all but accuses Frank Shamrock of being a carny (claiming that Shamrock only used Baroni’s name value to put himself over and that they won’t be fighting after all – more here)
  9. The Boston Herald: UFC hits home with Marines
  10. UFC Mania: Doctors – UFC fighter Rich Franklin’s nose is healed

Topics: All Topics, Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 15 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

15 Responses to “Sunday news spread”

  1. Mr.Roadblock says:

    That brawl is hands down the Knicks highlight of the year. They are a complete disgrace when it comes to playing ball. The whole city is embarassed by them. But at least they stand up for each other.

  2. Preach says:

    No mention of the Marcus Huck/Pietro Aurino fight for the EBU European Cruiserweight Championship? That fight was an absolute disgrace. Even at the press conference before the fight you just knew that there was bad blood between the two of them, and i mean REAL bad blood, not your usual boxing “let’s pretend to get into a fight”-bad blood. You could really see the hate for each other in their eyes. And as soon as the bell rang for the fight all hell broke lose, in the second round Huck had Aurino in the corner and unleashed a wild barrage of punches, and Aurino countered with a few headbutts! And Huck (who used to be a kickboxer) clinched and tried to throw a knee, but it was broken up by the ref. And as soon as this scuffle began, the fight was over, as Aurino jumped out of the ring and went back to his locker room! The whole thing was really surreal, to say the least. Shortly after Aurino returned to the ring and wanted to continue, but of course he had been DQ’ed, the fight was over and Huck the new champion. But instead of admitting what he did wrong he threw a fit, accused Huck of giving HIM the headbutts, that everyone was biased against him from the start, and that all germans were asssholes. Real classy guy, eh?

  3. Zach Arnold says:

    Preach – I couldn’t find a single news wire report in English discussing this fight you mentioned. The only thing close was a South African outlet that had one sentence on it. No one else has written a word.

  4. Preach says:

    Hmm, it really seems that this fight was flying under the radar of the english language media, just like the Arthur Abraham fight a few months back (Which is a shame, as that was one of the best boxing matches this year, AA took the UD after 12 rounds – 8 rounds and 3 low blows after his jaw had been broken in two places!). It seems people outside of europe aren’t too interested in a fight between a german and an italian…

    The only source in english that i could find was an article on Eurosport’s UK site:

    But the article is a bit too nice to the italian, making it just one headbutt (and you could clearly see in the replay that it was two) and not writing about Aurino insulting the audience.

  5. Tomer Chen says:

    I saw that fight and it was completely nuts. Reminded me of the story of the first Fritzie Zivic vs. Al ‘Bummy’ Davis fight, only the initiator of the fouls got DQd instead of the guy who responded.

  6. What will Showtime do if Shamrock can’t fight due to contractual obigations…. And Renzo get’s KO’ed at the IFL and is unable to compete? Will David “UFC Leftovers” Loiseau be the Main Event?

  7. Mr.Roadblock says:

    Maybe they’ll get Ken “hasn’t won a big fight since July 14th 1995 but has headlined 4 UFC cards in the past 3 years” Shamrock. Would you mark out for that or no?

  8. JOSH says:

    Actaully I wouldnt mind seeing Ken Shamrock get fed to Antonio Silva..that I would very much mark out for. Dont know if it would make for good ratings though.

  9. Chuck says:

    “Preach – I couldnรขโ‚ฌโ„ขt find a single news wire report in English discussing this fight you mentioned. The only thing close was a South African outlet that had one sentence on it. No one else has written a word.”

    Zach, talks about it. Check them out.

  10. JThue says:

    “Fightforce MMA event draws successful crowd”

    – What was the crowd successful at? ๐Ÿ˜€

  11. Zach Arnold says:

    Successful at recognizing that people do exist and live in the state of Montana. ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. JThue says:

    May I be your angry sarcastic Norwegian sidekick on FOR, please? ๐Ÿ™‚

    Frank Shamrock is probably not setting anything up to not happen on purpose – he’s simply obsessed with being wherever UFC’s competition pops up. I’ll be shocked if he hasn’t signed for bodogFIGHT too by year’s end.

  13. JThue says:

    Eh, NEXT year’s end ๐Ÿ˜€ Getting a little ahead of myself AND time here.

  14. Chuck says:

    My God what’s with all the smily emoticons! Oh, and I am SO looking forward to EliteXC (the Showtime network MMA fed).

  15. grafdog says:

    Wow, Baroni says something that’s hard to deny…..


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