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Tuesday media talk

By Zach Arnold | December 11, 2006

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This is one of those news cycles that seemingly never ends. If you haven’t already, check out our latest radio show. Use the link on the sidebar to access it.

Today’s links: Eddie Goldman interviews Nick Lembo, more on the UFC buying WFA contracts, RINGS 10-year DVD-BOX collection set to be released, and more UFC talk.

  1. Radio: Eddie Goldman interviews Nick Lembo, counsel to the New Jersey ACB, about the 60 Minutes MMA TV segment
  2. Cage Rage: Video of Daisuke Nakamura vs. Vitor Ribiero from CR 19 event
  3. The Fight Network: Rampage Jackson’s contract part of the UFC purchase of WFA (meaning he won’t be going to Japan any time soon to fight)
  4. Canadian Press (via CBC Sports): The Iceman prepares for MMA showdown with Tito Ortiz at UFC 66
  5. PR Newswire: Xyience enters energy drink category with the debut of Xenergy
  6. Fox Sports MMA Blog: Armando Garcia’s suspension of Josh Thomson is ‘a stunning abuse of power’
  7. Houston Chronicle: Mike Swick wants a title shot – yesterday
  8. Orange County Register: UFC Fight Night 8 preview
  9. UFC HP: Mind games with Diego Sanchez
  10. Kakutolog (Japanese): RINGS 10 year DVD-BOX set to be released on 3/7/2007
  11. Todd Martin: Bad fight drives Dave Meltzer insane

Topics: All Topics, Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 19 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

19 Responses to “Tuesday media talk”

  1. MMA T-Shirts says:

    I laughed out loud when I saw that JT had been suspended for that t-shirt. At first I thought it was absolutely rediculous but then to be honest I have somewhat changed my opinion… Whilst it is rediculous that one man can weild such power without warning, I dont think that such t-shirts as “Frank glamrock is my bitch” is pretty pro wrestling and I can do without that sort of disrespect.

  2. Preach says:

    Disrespectful this, disrespectful that, doesn’t matter, there’s still something like freedom of speech in the USA. Hell, Nazis can run around wearing SS-Uniforms and swastikas, and muslims can stand just across the white house and burn an american flag and chant “Death to America, death to Israel” without getting reprimanded, so punishing a pro-fighter for wearing an “offensive” t-shirt looks more than just a little bit off, doesn’t it?

    And besides, he just took a page right out of Titos playbook, and i honestly can’t remember him getting suspended once for pulling something like that.

  3. MMA T-Shirts says:

    No, Tito didnt get suspended for it but that is exactly what changed me from thinking “how rediculous is that?!?!” to “actually, it might be rediculous but I think it’s no bad thing”… reason being I thought Tito was being a total a-hole for wearing those t-shirts so the same has to apply for Josh Thompson.

  4. Asshole or not, this guy has been stripped of his ability to make a living because he wore a t-shirt. What is this, high school?

  5. BSP says:

    Preach says:
    “Disrespectful this, disrespectful that, doesn’t matter, there’s still something like freedom of speech in the USA. Hell, Nazis can run around wearing SS-Uniforms and swastikas, and muslims can stand just across the white house and burn an american flag and chant “Death to America, death to Israel” without getting reprimanded, so punishing a pro-fighter for wearing an “offensive” t-shirt looks more than just a little bit off, doesn’t it?”

    That’s all true, and I think it’s pretty ridiculous. But it isn’t strictly a matter of freedom of speech. If I’m the owner of a company, I have a right to set restrictions on the wardrobe of those in my employ (since they represent my business). Garcia, as the head of that commission has a similar right, though he abuses it greatly here.

    Preach identifies the root problem in his first sentence: There’s a growing culture of hyper-sensitivity in the U.S. Every damn thing seems to be offensive to someone these days. While I don’t particularly care for the trash talking myself, it’s nevertheless part of the flavor of the sport. Ali was good for boxing… Deion Sanders was good for football. And a little animosity here and there is good for MMA.

  6. MMA T-Shirts says:

    “Asshole or not, this guy has been stripped of his ability to make a living because he wore a t-shirt. What is this, high school?”

    To be honest, I think I’ve not explained myself very well. I dont think he should be banned (and I’m sure the ban will be overturned pretty quickly), but I don’t think it is rediculous for Garcia to want to stamp this sort of thing out and this is the easiest way to do so – by making an example of Thompson.

    And he hasnt stripped him of his ability to earn money anyway – there are plenty of other commissions out there.

  7. GassedOut says:

    I thought all commissions had to abide by the suspension. That’s the way it’s being reported on several sites…can anyone clear that up?

  8. The way it works is PROMOTIONS are supposed to abide by a commission’s rulings. So if an organization ever wants to run in California, they can’t use any fighters suspended by the Cali commish or they risk not getting licensed.

    On a side note, Fedor has injured his toe and may not fight on NYE:
    The post by a training partner on his website’s chatboard
    Fightsports reports it here for those who didn’t notice the english in the forum post.

    Summary: there was definately a toe injury, the question is if the toe is really broken or not. The answer to that is the answer to Fedor’s ability to fight on NYE

  9. JOSH says:

    Well dont know if I care or not that Fedor got hurt consideing i wasnt looking forward to Hunt/Fedor anyway.

    Also reports that Lindland will NOT be going to UFC. Lindland contacted them and said he wasnt tied down to the deal betwee WFA and UFC..Im wondering if Bas is in the same boat.

  10. GassedOut says:

    Thanks, FightLinker. That makes sense to me now. (My nick isn’t just a clever repartee, it’s a real description!)

    I’m more excited about Rampage Jackson – Liddell has some real competition now (no dis to Tito, I’m sure it will be a good fight…). Hopefully Heath Herring will go over. That’ll breathe a little life and pizazz into the heavyweight division.

    Bas Rutten would make an interesting addition, but I got the impression he was more inclined to the IFL from something he said on one of their broadcasts. Either way, it’s a great infusion of talent for the UFC.

  11. Erin says:

    For the most part, all other State Commisions will uphold California’s suspension. Are they required to? No, but out of respect they will. Ebersole had to go all the way to Australia to fight while he was suspended.

  12. mmaguru says:

    mirko and fedor looks to be out of nye.looks to me like pride has gave in to mirko’s demands and will save fedor for him mirko is still holding the ufc card so…..

  13. Yup, Mirko has stated he isn’t fighting on NYE here. It’s a forum link, but Fortunal is Crocop’s cornerman and his word is as good as it gets for Crocop news. His other comment in the post is much more interesting in my opinion:

    “Regarding his career, he will announce his decision very soon. He already made one.
    I’m sorry but you’ll just have to wait for official press release or promotion announcement.”

    So the decision has been made. We just have to wait till something leaks.

  14. Psygone says:

    Now that this precedent has been laid down, maybe now fighters can be suspend for trash talking before fights? How do you define ‘Offensive’? Funny how two people can try to punch, kick, & choke each other all night and Mr. Garcia ends up being offended by a T-shirt.

  15. I suppose it’s an attempt to keep the sport from devolving into a spectacle. I can understand to a degree but at the same time this should have been a warning and if they plan on doing this, it should be made clear to the fighters that disciplinary action can be taken for offences like this.

  16. Psygone says:

    They should change the A in CSAC to Apparel 🙂

  17. Psygone says:

    Last September James Toney fought Sam Peter at the Staples Center in Los Angeles. Leading up to the fight the two trashed each other during an extensive promotional tour. A simple search will return a wealth of quotes. No cheeky play on words, no innuendo, & no suspensions. Why the double standard?

  18. JOSH says:

    Sounds like Fedor is staying in PRIDE
    INTERVIEWER: “You are participating in the russia vs usa event in march of next year. Does this mean you are leaving PRIDE?”

    FEDOR: “No, thats not the case. In my fight i am trying to help my team to the best. And i am also fighting for my country and for my flag. The fact that this is not in pride does not mean that i want to leave. The negotiations regarding my future contract with pride are done!!! I will be fighting with pride in the future, next year, and the year after next. I want to make my fans happy, and keep defending my belt!

  19. Nobody really knows if Mirko is going to the UFC. If you look at all the signs, they could point towards the UFC:

    1. Mirko says he will announce his decision, and then delays it. Perhaps the organization he is signing with wants to announce it instead?

    2. He is off the Shockwave card after already committing to it.

    Honestly, these could all be just signs that point nowhere, but who knows?

    With Fedor & Cro Cop possibly off the show, it really hurts. Silva isn’t defending his title and could fight a can. Gomi is fighting a non-title fight that should be for the title. These are not good things for MMA fans.


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