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Angle and Lesnar in HEROs?

By Zach Arnold | November 11, 2006

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By Zach Arnold
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Two interesting reports. First, Mike Sawyer in an audio interview at F4W Online reported that Brock Lesnar is scheduled to make his MMA debut for the HERO’s promotion in February. The show is apparently set for Las Vegas. That same month, UFC has their Super Bowl weekend event in early February. PRIDE also has a show at the Thomas & Mack Center on 2/24. In other words, it’s going to be an enormously crowded month for MMA action in the Vegas scene.

Second, Gryphon at NHB News notes (more here in English) an interesting item from K-1 matchmaker Sadaharu Tanigawa. In a mini-interview with Weekly Gong, Tanigawa brings up the name of Kurt Angle possibly making his MMA debut in America for HEROs (listed as either February or March). If it is February, this would mean that there is a possibility of both Angle and Lesnar making their MMA debuts simultaneously on the same show.

Commentary: If K-1 pulls this off, it would certain be cause for concern for their rivals. They would be attacking PRIDE (which needs as much assistance in America to be successful right now) and also using big names that UFC had a chance to acquire (Angle & Lesnar) but didn’t pull the trigger on.

Here is a very interesting Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article on Kurt Angle.

Topics: All Topics, HERO's, Japan, K-1, Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 11 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

11 Responses to “Angle and Lesnar in HEROs?”

  1. Hojo-san says:

    WHY WHY WHY do you ALWAYS have to try to angle in some kind of Pride bashing at every inkling of a chance you get??

    I realize you’re making a commentary and trying to be a journalist but you’re really starting to lose integrity by bashing Pride and getting your digs at every tiny opportunity.

  2. Erin says:

    I’d say that Hero’s running in Vegas in February, the same month that PRIDE is supposed to make it’s return, could be pretty relevant.

  3. JThue says:

    Hojo-san: WHY WHY WHY do you not notice 1: the comment is completely relevant and 2: He also mentions UFC!!!!!!! Sheesh, paranoia for the people…

    Semi-interesting stuff about Angle, but them running Vegas next year has been known for ages now. Also, Angle and Lesnar starting their MMA careers at the same time doesn’t seem like much of a storyline to me, seeing as how Lesnar will be starting an actual career, while Angle will, if anything at all, only be around for one or two fights, so he won’t really be starting anything.

  4. Mr. Roadblock says:

    I wonder what kind of interest Lesnar will draw from the general public. He created a sensation when he was in WWE, his brief NFL career was followed on ESPN and he’s probably the last guy in WWE that has drawn any kind of mainstream interest. Can K-1 use him to make a splash in the U.S.?

  5. iain says:

    doubtful. k1 heroes has next to no base in northamerica even in terms of hardcore mma fans. People will probably see these pro-wrestlers and discount it. the general public will mos def not get in to fake wrestlers supposedly fighting and the mma wrestling link in north america is nowhere near what it is in japan. Pride should have no problem establishing a toehold in the us.

  6. JThue says:

    Even if every MMA fan in the States DETESTED pro-wrestling, there would still be a fair chance that a big chunk of those fans would actually applaud and respect those who make the jump from wrestling to MMA rather than view it as a negative for MMA. Not least if the fighters making the jump do(like Angle and Lesnar) have a legitimate sporting background outside of pro-wrestling. All remains to be seen. WFA is certainly testing the waters in this area, and it should be interesting to see if their fans have been turned off by all the wrestling links on the July-show.

  7. Jason says:

    Egg Roll Son…this is called FIGHT OPINION so to be honest (and Zach didn’t in this case but) he can BASH PRIDE, THE GOVERNMENT, YOUR MOM & Anyone else he feels the need to “rip”. Thats what an opinion is dipshit.

  8. Mr. Roadblock says:


    What a way to bookend your point .. racism to start and profanity to close.


  9. Frankie J says:

    So Jason, that means I can express my opinion that you are a socially inept loser, trying to stick your tongue down the back of Mr Zachs’ pants.

    Little tip: I don’t think he wants/needs the support of somebody such as yourself, I know I would be deleting your slobbering racial abuse.

    I often wonder just how brave your type are in real life? Try calling me a dipshit to my face punk!

  10. Zach Arnold says:

    OK everyone, please try to keep replies focused on the topic of the post. Thanks.

  11. Kaoskd says:

    How could anyone possibly consider PRIDE, K1 or HERO needing any help from the US?!? Are you serious or just lack any true knowledge of fighting? The UFC is in need of help if anything that’s why the search for fighters in the PRIDE & K1 cards to come fight here…ask Franklin he’d be the first to admit that UFC isn’t ready for Shooto fighter or anything relative to overseas fighting elements. Kurt and Broc…niether would last in todays fighting game, beside didn’t Kurt just sign an major contract with Total Impact wrestling (something like that). And can we please stop calling people that took BJJ and learned to punch and kick in a gym or just the op. boxers the take a little BJJ Mixed Martial Artist??

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