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The Ultimate Fighter Season 4, Episode 10

By Erin | October 19, 2006

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By Erin Bucknell

In the “previously on” Serra is annoyed with Laimon, Shonie annoys everyone and Shonie/Serra is set up. Gee, I wonder exactly which two guys this episode will focus on.

Ok, why in the world are we already getting the weigh in? Either we get two fights tonight or all the drama happens right before the fight. I’m voting for Serra for no other reason than, hopefully, it will mean less Shonie Speedos.

Serra and Cote both are less than impressed with Laimon’s NotCoaching. Hughes has fun trying to stir the shit between Laimon and Serra. Serra calls Hughes on his spur of the moment booking attempts.

Serra finally lets Laimon have it for his supposed shit-talking. Hughes giggles in the corner. Everyone else looks uncomfortable.

Damn, line of the night to Hughes for shouting “are you guys gonna grapple now?” as soon as the argument ends. Crap, I almost like him in this episode, heh. It’s more subtle than his usual style.

We get more “Art of Shonie”. He decides that the beds need to be painted blue. Who was the idiot who let that man have spray paint?

Rich Clementi and Jorge decide that they’ve had enough and come up with the Phonie Show. Jorge wanders around in a speedo and clown gear and has a “fight” with Burnett-as-Serra. Jorge hopes that Shonie doesn’t find out about this until it get aired on TV.

Question: How in the world can you have a forward back-fist?

Hellllooooo GSP in Tight Shirt, it’s looking a tad uncomfortable, do you need help removing it?

Shonie is confident that he’ll win and we all need to watch out for his “dark side”. Serra just wants to get vengeance for his loss six years ago.

Round 1. Serra gets a takedown on Shonie and gets his back rather quickly. And just as quickly they are back to standing. Will someone please buy Shonie a real pair of shorts? Gah! They then go into a long period of standing around before Serra gets a sweep and gets a side mount. Serra moves to full mount before Shonie give up his back and Serra gets some punches to the side of Shonie’s head. They go back to standing and clinch against the fence where Serra throws some knees. Back to standing in the center, Serra throws a few kicks and Shonie goes for the back fist that grazes Serra. Shonie gets a throw on Serra as the round ends.

Round 2. Serra almost gets a takedown to start the second round before they go into the clinch. Both guys are throwing knees. Serra gets a takedown and drops a few elbows and they both scramble for offense. Shonie attempts to wiggle away and gives up his back in the process, Serra goes for a rear naked choke but Shonie gets out. They go back to standup and circle for a bit before Serra goes in and throws knees in the clinch. Round ends. I think this is the first time I’ve ever heard someone verbally respond to their corner’s suggestions. Is he the only one who does this (“I got him, I will”, etc.) or is it just cause he’s the only one who loud enough for me to hear it?

Round 3. After a bit of circling, Big John pauses the fight to fix Shonie’s jock strap. Lovely. Serra grabs a leg after Shonie throws a kick but can’t do anything with it. The guys throw knees in the clinch and Serra gets a takedown ending in Shonie’s guard. Serra moves to half guard while hitting Shonie’s side. Serra gets Shonie’s back and they go back to standing for a second before Serra throws an almost-suplex. Serra starts working for a rear naked choke again but Shonie gets them back to standing. Both guys are throwing knees from the clinch as the round ends.

Am I the only one who laughed out loud when Shonie announced to the confession-cam that he knows “that Jiu-Jitsu stuff?”

Matt Serra wins by unanimous decision. The welter weight final is now set as Lytle vs. Serra.

On the next episode Burnett attempts to break down a wall in the house by running into it, Lutter trains solo while Sell gets Liddell. I’d be a touch annoyed by the unfairness of that if I were Lutter.

Topics: All Topics, Erin Bucknell, MMA | 3 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

3 Responses to “The Ultimate Fighter Season 4, Episode 10”

  1. Babalu32 says:

    Crazy night but okay nontheless. I had Serra winning the fight last night although I did not have it by unanimous decision. I think that Serra – Lytle should be a very interesting fight in the finals so I am really looking forward to that.

    Briefly on Laimon, I respect his ability to know JJ and how to train fighters, but in the same feeling as Serra, I just do not think that you can talk about a fighters ability or lack thereof in a situation in the cage fighting when you have never been in that position. Sparring is one thing and grappling tourneys are something else. Vale Tudo and MMA brings a different perspective to how you approach the fight and the adjustments that you have to make or are forced to make based on your opponent.

    I will state here for the record that I am hopeful that Patrick Cote will be this seasons MW TUF champion. He has a tough road ahead of him but I would like to see him win. Tons of potential and heart.

  2. TheMonkey says:

    I agree that Hughes was more likeable in this episode which, coming from me, is saying a lot.

    Shonie has never ceased to amaze me throughout the season. The guy starts off barfing during training, pulls out a win from Clementi, is a complete headcase the rest of the season, then goes the distance with Serra. Plus he cracks me the hell up. Oh, and I don’t think it should have been a unanimous decision either. Those first two rounds were close.

    I’m seriously considering bedazzling my speedos and walking around the house with a pimp cane.

  3. Erin says:

    Monkey, if you do, I demand a picture of it.

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