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The Ultimate Fighter Season 4, Episode 9
By Erin | October 12, 2006

Well keeping the teams as is seems kinda pointless what with only Travis surviving from his team. Though I must say for the most part I’m definitely more of a MoJo fan, simply so I can have Serra’s “Hamma-Fist!!!†to snark at.
“Mollywob� And it’s another wierdass Shonie-ism.
Matt Hughes randomly shows up at the training center. GSP has a fabulously blingy hat that is obviously made by Shonie.
As the semi finals are now upon us, we get the “who do you want to fight†interviews.
It’s announced that not only do the fighters get the contract and title shot, but a one year contract with Xyience. That is, of coarse, if Xyience lasts out the year.
The Middleweight matchups are Sell vs. Lutter and Dewees vs. Cote. Geek points to Serra for making a Jedi council reference. Shonie feels the need to give a big ole long monologue before making his choice. Welterweight matches are Thomas vs. Lytle and Shonie vs. Serra.
Everyone goes out to dinner and I pause the Tivo when GSP’s arms get shown. Woof.
Matt replays his dickishness of season 2 by talking mild shit to GSP. Thou shalt not make fun the GSP, damnit!! GSP, if you need a comfort hug, I’m totally here for you buddy.
I pause the Tivo again to rush to Blockbuster online as I just saw an ad for a horror flick starring Henry Rollins. No, I don’t care what it’s actually about, it’s Henry Rollins.
Thomas and Lytle explain that they are friends and will continue to train together even though they are scheduled to fight.
Thomas guarantees that this will be the best fight of the season. Seeing as its only 7:30, it will, at least, be one of the longest.
Welterweight fight – Din Thomas vs. Chris Lytle
Round 1. Thomas goes for a takedown relatively early but Lytle reverses it and ends up in Thomas’s guard. There seems to be a dramatic lack of Serra yelling, but that makes sense as they are both on his team. Both guys throw some shots but after a while of not doing much, the ref stands the up. Thomas goes in for a takedown again and Lytle reverses it on the way down again with them ending up by the fence this time. Din gets a guillotine from the bottom, but doesn’t do anything with it and the ref stands them. Umm, did the time keeper pass out because we hit the end of the round a while ago… According to Roommate Jen there was almost an additional extra minute in there before someone realized that the timekeeper was apparently dead. Longest five minutes in the history of ever.
Round 2. Thomas goes for a kind of sideway body scissors not-takedown and ends up on the mat. Ref stands them up as per usual. Both guys seem about even on the stand up with neither guy getting any real damage in. Finally a bit of a change as they clinch against the cage and Lytle busts out with the foot stomps. Not really sure why, but I love foot stomps. Kinda the foot equivalent of the bitchslap, I guess.
Burger King Commercial. Referring to the mushrooms as “shrooms†is really not a good plan.
Round 3. Thomas finally gets his takedown, but Lytle reverses it fairly quickly. They go back to standing against the fence and Din has a bit of a bloody nose. They separate and we get some fairly spirited punch exchanges before they both kinda gas out and clinch again. Lytle gets a takedown and stays on to until the ref stands them up. Lytle immediately goes for a takedown and scrambles for an ankle as the round ends.
Lytle wins by unanimous decision. Next week Serra shows his dislike for Liamon, Shonie drives the house crazy and Serra and Shonie fight.
Topics: All Topics, Erin Bucknell, MMA, UFC | 20 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |
I do believe the term is “Mollywop”
dated urban slang for a for a proper walloping.
Ahhh Mollywop, still sounds wierd to me, but hey at least it has some context.
Matt Hughes is getting close to making my list of fighters I can’t stand. He expects respect from other fighters but gives no respect in return. F*ck him (I’ll somewhat censore myself here).
Matt is MMA court judge and you didn’t shake his hand rookie. Now you gotta carry all his bags while he trains.
I sooooooooooooooooo hope GSP owns Matt Hughes – The guy really is a total asshole. His comment about Din Thomas’ lips just pushed me over the edge.
Was that a great fight or a boring fight last night? I can’t really make up my mind.
Was that a great fight or a boring fight last night? I can’t really make up my mind.
Two votes for “boring” in this household. Standup was weak despite the pre-match jabber about how they both “like to bang.” Ground game was primarily characterized by Thomas’s abortive takedown attempts and Lytle’s general lack of interest in anything besides lay-n-pray. Last two minutes were a snooze except for that last flurry.
I second the “boring.” Actually, this entire season’s fights have been disappointing. I’d expected more action and technique out of this group. Frankly, I can understand why most of these guys dropped off the UFC map.
And I also agree that Hughes came off as a complete jerk — and a racist one at that. Hopefully, GSP will punch him a new *sshole, right on his forehead.
O.K. guys, not knowing Hughes personally I would have to point out the obvious once again. Remember the comments made by GSP after Matt-BJ? These guys are being manipulated by the UFC to garner the very responses from fans that they are getting here. There is no need to draw a personal oppinion of someone who is being portrayed as a cocky fighter by the company who hopes to build a lot of interest in an upcoming fight. Both of these men have displayed upstanding character in the past and I find no reason to change my opinion based on Zuffaisms.
While I understand that both fighters are building the momentum for the event in November, Matt has often appeared to be making comments about other fighters that he fights tends to display way too much confidence that ultimately becomes arrogance. Fortunate for us, GSP will make sure that Matt knows the meaning of humble. Although Matt does not seek the spotlight as a few other fighters do to elevate themselves in the sport, he allows his fighting to do the talking for him. GSP being the same type of fighter will give Matt some time to ponder when he USED to be the welterweight champion when he is defeated in November.
I still have to wonder if your asessment is based on your opinion of Hughes as a person or as a fighter. As a fighter there is no basis for choosing GSP over Hughes. I think he certainly has a chance to beat Hughes, but what are his weapons? Wrestling- advantage Hughes. Jui-Jitsu- push. Striking- push. Experience- advantage Hughes. If GSP does win then you will be able to say I told you so, but if Hughes wins then I fear that excuses will start flying. Not because you are not an intelligent fight fan, but because you have allowed the “marketing machine” to skew your perspective, which I would hope to leave to the casual “Tito vs. Ken” fans. ( Why would Hughes’ entire personality have changed over night?)
cjfighter, i can’t believe you just said that Hughes has the advantage in striking over GSP….
correction: push. no way is striking a push.
Well let’s examine the facts. GSP went to a 3 rd. decision with BJ and could not put him away with strikes. (in fact he lost the striking battle). On the other hand, Hughes defeated BJ with strikes in the 3rd round. Granted Hughes is not known for his striking, but it has gotten a lot better recently. The effectiveness of each discipline is based on it’s ability to win a fight. Therefore I feel that striking would be a push in this case because I don’t feel that GSP could use his striking to defeat Hughes, nor could Hughes use striking (on the feet) to defeat GSP.
Couple of things:
First: either Penn really was hurt, or he gassed something feirce. Either way, that is why Hughes outstruck him in the third round.
GSP won two of three rounds from Penn. Hughes clearly lost the first round and did lose the second round as well.
This is coming from somebody that was rooting for Hughes over Penn. Penn felt apart between the second and third round, be it from gassing or from rib injury.
GSP held his own on the ground against Hughes(He actually landed more punches) and outstruck him standing up. He also blocked a couple of Matt’s takedown attempts. This is at a point when he readily admits not being ready for a title shot.
I think GSP is as strong as Hughes.
I think GSP is faster than Hughes.
Hughes clearly has a huge experience advantage.
Hughes may have a subs advantage, but GSP has been training with Renzo on and off this year.
Hughes has a major wrestling advantage.
GSP has a major striking advantage.
Somebody pointed out that fighters can be manipulated, but Hughes last night was just like Hughes in the second season of TUF.
You make some great points Lynchman, which brings another facet of the game to light, cardio. Another push IMO. The great striking advantage is questionable to me simply because I’ve never seen anyone use it to defeat Hughes. His technique is much better, no question, but it’s effectiveness against Hughes doesn’t seem significant to me.
As for the manipulation of the fighters; once again our point of view is coming from a taped episode being controlled by those who have a vested interest in the opinions being formed by the audience. I think the best way to base an opinion of what the fighters think of each other is to look at some of the post 63 fight interviews. In the background we see Matt and GSP watching T.V. with one another and laughing.
One more thing, if you want to test the rib injury theory for yourself go back and watch the fight again. Penn claims a right side rib injury in rd 2 which renders him almost unable to stand for the 3rd round. At approx. 2:10 of the 3rd round Hughes is digging right side rib shots in on Penn. The strange thing is we have a good shot of BJ’s face which shows absolutely no response to the attack on his injured ribs. Just an observation.
Lynchman, I dont think Hughes has a major wrestling advantage at all. We will see soon enough but in recent times GSP seems to have the more successful takedown attempts on top opponents. Hughes may well be a better wrestler but it certainly isnt by much.
Penn may simply have gassed, but that does not change the fact that Hughes striking in the third was based more on Penn being weaken(by gassing or injury) than by Matt’s actual skills.
I do think that Striking will be significant because the first fight showed that Hughes had to work to take GSP down.
As MMA T-shirts pointed out, GSP has improved a rediculous amount on the ground in the last couple of years, as well as improving his takedown defense. As I said, Hughes did have problems getting GSP to the ground last time, it may be harder still this time.
Well I must back up a little and remember the GNP job that GSP put on Sherk. The striking advantage may sway in the favor of Georges after all. I will not be disappointed with either man being the WW champ after this fight because they both represent the sport with class. It’s also refreshing to discuss these points with fans who use their minds and not their emotions. Thanks guys.