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Sunday brunch of MMA news & notes

By Zach Arnold | October 8, 2006

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I’ll update this post throughout the day (or someone else will, anyhow).

  1. Sherdog: Strikeforce draws 5,000 in Fresno, Sherdog says, “…few fans were there to watch (Paul) Buentello.” Don’t fear me, fear the consequences! Strikeforce’s promoter sure did. (Ed. That’s uncalled for. I apologize. We didn’t even think Tank would get knocked out that fast.)
  2. Toronto Sun: TFN (The Fight Network) puts up a fight
  3. NHB News: ART JUNKIE creates new “Joshmetal” t-shirt. Josh Barnett is loved by many. Here it is.
  4. Bismark Tribune: First sanctioned MMA event in North Dakota happened on Saturday night
  5. F4W Online: Tito vs. Ken III preview

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