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Thursday MMA media notes

By Zach Arnold | October 5, 2006

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Our server has been down for a period of time due to overall heavy traffic with the hosting company.

It’s tough to stay on top of the latest news stories. So we try to help fill the void – a little bit.

  1. Forbes – Ultimate Fighting’s Next Battle (read the article, specifically the part about PRIDE.)
  2. Ultimate Fighting Championship – UFC 64 full card line-up
  3. Honolulu Advertiser – Kimo vs. Wes Sims on Friday night in Hawaii for X-1. Dave Doyle at the Fox Sports MMA blog has more thoughts on this story.
  4. Blog To: Photos from The Fight Network’s party last week
  5. Kakutolog: Kazushi Sakuraba to be the ring second for Ken Kaneko on 10/9
  6. Kami no Puroresu #103 (via NHB News): Chance of Kiyoshi Tamura working in HERO’s is good
  7. MMA News: Radio interview with Mark Coleman & Kevin Randleman

Topics: All Topics, Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 3 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

3 Responses to “Thursday MMA media notes”

  1. mose says:

    “Leopoldo lost to Dave Legeno by choke submission in London on Sept. 30, but he said he is already recovered from that bout.”

    After watching Legeno vs. Kimo, does anyone else think that fight was a pretty obvious work?

  2. monkeymatt says:

    Actually, watching it, that thought never crossed my mind. I guess they acted well.

    Now that you mention it though, it is a bit fishy.

  3. […] Gryphon says that Universal Studios has inked a deal with PRIDE for DVD distribution. For historical purposes, keep this story in your mind (along with the Ed Fishman developments). Then read the Forbes article on why PRIDE is in this situation in the first place. You stay classy, Universal. PRIDE is getting ready to hit Las Vegas. […]


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