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World Wide Cage Network Formed

By Mark Pickering | September 8, 2006

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By Mark Pickering

GCM Communications, parent company of Japan’s only cage fighting organisation D.O.G have announced the formation of a World Wide Cage Network.

The network features promotions who have nurtured fighters and worked tirelessly towards the development of the sport.

Five promotions have been announced for the provisionally named initiative – England’s Cage Warriors, Australia’s Warrior’s Realm, Finland’s Nordic Fightsport, America’s Pangaea Fight and Japan’s D.O.G.

The network’s thesis is to exchange talent and pool together resources in conjunction with establishing an international platform for fighters to compete.

In addition, the newly established WWCN will broadcast events from the aforementioned five promotions via satellite in Japan.

Network founder D.O.G recently announced a TV deal with Tokyo Television, to broadcast events over six major urban areas from September 13th.

Topics: All Topics, Japan, Mark Pickering, MMA, UK | 3 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

3 Responses to “World Wide Cage Network Formed”

  1. blacksquareredbox says:

    America’s Pangaea Fight?

  2. Bouncy Techno says:

    Sounds good


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