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The Ultimate Fighter Season 4, Episode 2.

By Erin | August 25, 2006

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By Erin Bucknell

Normally, this would go up on my old site MMA Snark, but due to a lack of maintaining the site on my part, I chose to let the website expire and subject poor Zach to dealing with my weirdness.

So, here you go.

I’m just wondering, is there a reason that during the opening montage we MUST have the shot of ring girl’s ass every season? I understand that young guys are the target demographic but couldn’t we at least switch it up with some boobs or something?

Damn, Serra is such a good corner man, I think I want him directing me in my normal life: “NO! Turn LEFT at the stop sign! What did I tell you about the Wonderbread? There’s no nutritional value there, go for the seven grain! Walk faster! You’ll never get anywhere if you keep walking that slowly! Ok, there’s a paper jam, don’t panic, you’ve been here before, you know what to do!”

Apparently Shonie is quite the organizer as he wrote down the teams fight plans for the whole season. Complete with pretty little brackets. I would sooo end up doing the same thing. ‘Cept with snarky comments.

Team No Love decides to take a day off, GSP says that they are lazy and think that they can make do on their previous skills alone. Team MoJo comes in and busts out with all kinds of training.

Shonie wears his bling and brings his pimp stick to the fight announcement and then sings who gets fight. Gideon Ray vs Edwin DeWees. Both teams give McCarthy crap for getting overeager about the fight.

We get the recap of Gideon’s past UFC fights including the increadably NASTY head wound he received in his fight with Loiseu. His other loss was to Mike Swick.

Edwin, while looking a bit older than he used to, still looks about 14. We get recaps of his losses to Franklin and Leben. I’m rooting for Edwin, not cause I like him better as a fighter, but because he just looks so darn earnest.

The Fight: Umm, it’s only 30 minutes in, are we going to a third round?

Round 1: Both guys are very big on the leg kicks to start, until they hit the ground with Dewees on top. Dewees gets some good offense before going for a rear naked choke. Ray does some good wiggling and manages to switch positions. Gideon stays on top for the rest of the round although Edwin goes for a triangle at one point.

Round 2: Lots of punches and a few kicks, before Gideon goes for the Shonie Back Punch and Edwin gets a takedown. Edwin gets a cut on the top of his head, and while its bleeding nicely, the Dr says he can continue. Gideon gets top position but is in Dewee’s guard. They stand up and Edwin’s cut gets checked again. I can’t decide which Edwin resembles more at this point: Ric Flair or a half cherry/half pineapple snow cone. Fight goes to the ground with Gideon on top, but Edwin almost gets a triangle. Gideon back off and the round ends.

Redzone commercial, I would like to point out that yes, there is such a thing as a hot, sweaty, sexy dude thank you very much.

It’s a draw, third round: Fight goes to the ground with Edwin on top and bleeding like a faucet. Fight needs to be paused again to check Edwin’s head. Edwin gets full mount and as Gideon refuses to let go of Edwin’s upper body Edwin just squished Gideon into the mat several times. Edwin switches to side mount, and after a knee or two he goes back to full mount. Gideon flips them and gets some serious punches as the round ends.

Edwin get the unanimous decision. NICE back and forth match, go team them.

Topics: Erin Bucknell, MMA, UFC | 5 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

5 Responses to “The Ultimate Fighter Season 4, Episode 2.”

  1. WE says:

    Entertaining review, keep them coming.

  2. Preach says:

    So that’s why all of a sudden some weird advertising page popped up, when i wanted to check the forums over at snark…

  3. Erin says:

    Yeah Snark is of the toast, all of the reviews will be over here from now on. And if anyone misses the whacky forums, Rich over at has just set up his own.

  4. PizzaChef says:

    My heart, soul, and pubes cry for the death of MMA-Snark. *CRIES*

  5. fauxbia says:

    Wow, so weird, I just watched this fight. I LOVE UFC but none of my friends even care. So tonight I was tryin to fight a place that outlines the regimen specifically. I live in Chicago but there are NO TRAINERS HERE! Wtf?!? If anyone has info please let me know. >> [email protected]

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