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The return of Mike Kyle?

By Zach Arnold | July 14, 2006

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By Zach Arnold

Update (8 PM EST): FredEttish in the comments section notes that Kyle has been pulled off the Idaho card. The awareness raised by MMA fans to the athletic commission apparently worked.

This Saturday night in Idaho, there will be a big MMA event taking place at Qwest Arena with an expected full house of over 6,000 paid. One of the names being marketed for the event is “UFC fighter” Mike Kyle.

Recognize the name Mike Kyle? You should, because Kyle was suspended by the California State Athletic Commission on May 23rd indefinitely for his brutal attack on fighter Brian Olsen, resulting in Olsen having to pay a $600 ambulance bill and suffer through some bad injuries to his face.

The question that needs to be answered is why is the Idaho State Athletic Commission (phone – 208-221-6534) allowing Kyle to fight on the EFS show (when he is on the suspended list)?

Topics: All Topics, Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 10 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

10 Responses to “The return of Mike Kyle?”

  1. Dr J says:

    Thanks for bringing this up and providing the phone number. MMA Fans really need to call the Idaho Commission and voice their concerns. If MMA is going to become a unified, “mainstream” sport we can’t allow lunatics like Mike Kyle to continue to tarnsish the sports reputation.

  2. FredEttish says:

    Nice job giving us the heads up Zach. This is completely unacceptable. I’m definitely going to call to find out how he got licensed to fight.

  3. FredEttish says:


    I just spoke with Tom Katsilometes and Larry Bettis from the Idaho State Athletic Commission. Mike Kyle is no longer on the card.

  4. Kevin says:

    The guy is a clown and thank god he has been removed from the card.

  5. Ivan Trembow says:

    Good, it would have been disgraceful if they would have let him fight on that card.

  6. Justin Rohme says:

    I am so glad to see that Mike Kyle has been put in his place. This sport is growing more and more by the day and we don’t need animals like Klye messing it up for us.

  7. Frankie J says:

    He won’t fight. If he does it will set back MMA in the US a couple of years.
    This promotion deserves to fail. Irresponsible idiots.

  8. Dr J says:

    Glad we could take action and have Kyle removed from the card as he should be.

  9. karate chop says:

    glad to see people are making sure he never fights again. i have hated him ever since he bit wes sims

  10. ninjamonkey says:

    So… who was the promoter? The promoter is the real bad guy in this situation. The promoter was the one who put a suspended fighter on the card. The promoter is who the commission should punish. BTW yes, I hate Kyle too.


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