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Ian “The Machine” Freeman Statement

By Mark Pickering | July 13, 2006

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By Mark Pickering

Ian ‘The Machine’ Freeman:

To leave my career and have a loss at the end of it is more than I can handle. Known as The Machine, I take no prisoners and to leave a great record with a poor loss, I would not live up to my name.

I have just watched my fight against Melvin and feel so angry at myself. I looked like an amateur. My hands were down and I got clocked. What was I thinking?

After seeing that shitty performance, I know I can do better. I don’t want to go out with that as my last fight. The years rest is over, the rust has gone and I’ve had the cobwebs knocked out of me. So now there’s no excuses.

If the fans want me, I will come back, win a fight or two and demand a rematch with Melvin. If I don’t deserve it, my fans sure as hell do.

Cage Rage fully understand my feelings and have offered me a British title fight against Mark ‘The Beast’ Epstein on September 30th. Mark is a true warrior and I know will want the win just as much as I do. I will not disappoint anyone, including myself. Be ready for a war and be ready for the true Machine to return to the cage.

IAN ‘The Machine’ FREEMAN
TV Presenter / Actor / Promoter

Topics: All Topics, Mark Pickering, MMA, UK | 1 Comment » | Permalink | Trackback |

One Response to “Ian “The Machine” Freeman Statement”

  1. MMA T-shirts says:

    great stuff 🙂 – i’m actually thinking of making the treck down from Leeds to watch this one… just need to rope someone unsuspecting into coming with me! 😀


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