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Dana White interview

By Luke | July 7, 2006

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By: Luke Nicholson

Recently, Alex Marvez of the Florida Sun-Sentenial did an interview with Dana White that was posted on Dana White makes some interesting remarks regarding, TNA, mainstream press, and potential UFC expansion.

The most interesting thing that came up, was with regards to UFC expanding, and getting into scripted television. Thats right, SCRIPTED TELEVISION~! I’ll say this, I hope Dana White can be more successful at non mma-related ventures than Vince McMahon has been at non WWE-related ventures. Dana specifically mentioned that they had pitched a television show about the Irish Mafia.

The rest of the interview was good. When Dana was asked about UFC’s relationship with TNA, Dana was complimentary of TNA and wished them luck, but he basically said they’re two different companies promoting two different products. According to Dana White they’ll be expanding to Houston and Florida. Apparently an Ultimate Fight Night program is slated to take place at the…wait for it….yes, the Hard Rock Cafe in October. No word on when they plan to invade Houston.

Dana, also noted that they had a five year plan that they’ve achieved in four years. And, now they’re working on a new five year plan. Dana noted that there will always be copycats, but they’re the original brand, and they’re not worrying about what others are doing. Oookaaay. I wonder if the IFL would like to comment on that?

Lastly, Dana White noted the usual lines about UFC getting more mainstream exposure, and how they’re slowly changing people’s minds about MMA. This was decent stuff. He talked about how he doesn’t like Golf, but he doesn’t say Golf shouldn’t be on TV, just because he doesn’t like it. In Dana’s words “If you’re a fight fan, you’re going to enjoy UFC. If you’re not, shut up and change the channel”. I tend to agree with that statement.

Overall a good interview. Check it out.

Topics: All Topics, Luke Nicholson, MMA, UFC | 5 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

5 Responses to “Dana White interview”

  1. Zach Arnold says:

    Scripted entertainment? Perhaps Tito vs. Dana in boxing for a home-release DVD? 🙂

  2. Luke says:

    I guess thats possible. I find it hilarious, and its so Vince McMahon-like. Dana White is going to entertain us with his mainstream blunders for years to come.

  3. Don’t mess with the Irish Mafia!

  4. brandon choate says:

    why is dana white willing to let go of good fighters like paul buentello for just a few dollars a year is he scrared that he might beat Tim “the maniac” Sylva. Why is it that all of the fights that go to a decision seem to go to the person that dana white has more money invested in? (wwf) I am ready to see a bunch of good fights!!!!!!!! The UFC is allready kicking the crap out of boxing, but you better whatch out for the next big thing, and that will be the orginization that will give the public what it wants, and that is to see , good fighters, and not just four fights and some of the action from some of the fights that took place befor the PAY PER VIEW started. WE WANT TO SEE GOOD FIGHTERS FIGHT EACH OTHER AND WE WANT TO SEE MORE!

  5. brandon choate says:

    why is dana white willing to let go of good fighters like paul buentello for just a few dollars a year is he scrared that he might beat Tim “the maniac” Sylva. Why is it that all of the fights that go to a decision seem to go to the person that dana white has more money invested in? (wwf) I am ready to see a bunch of good fights!!!!!!!! The UFC is allready kicking the crap out of boxing, but you better whatch out for the next big thing, and that will be the orginization that will give the public what it wants, and that is to see ALL OF THE FIGHTS , good fighters, and not just four fights and some of the action from some of the fights that took place befor the PAY PER VIEW started. WE WANT TO SEE GOOD FIGHTERS FIGHT EACH OTHER AND WE WANT TO SEE MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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