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The Return of ROSS~!
By Luke | June 13, 2006

This week on The Utimate Fighter, Ross Pointon, the Brit who lost to Kendall Grove back in week three, will return to the show to fight at LHW against Mike Bisping because Matt Hamill was forced out due to injury.
Most people aren’t picking Ross to beat Mike, and I don’t think it will happen either. But, I think the chances of it happening are higher than people think. You can never underestimate the meaning of a second chance. Athletes in all sports always talk about just having the opportunity to compete for the ultimate prize, whatever that might be. On this show its a six figure contract with UFC. If Ross truly values the second chance he’s been given, he’ll make this fight count, and he’ll do it by training properly and dieting right. So, when the fight happens he’ll be able to say he gave it his all, win or lose. You’ll see a different Ross return to the show.
Hopefully, the SpikeTV producers and Dana White saw the opportunity to really create something special here. Given that Ross and Mike B. were the only two Brits on the program, I think they developed a friendship, and a bond with each other. SpikeTV and UFC need to play off that friendship and bond, to create interest in this fight. Obviously some of the interest is built-in because the winner goes to the live finale, for a shot at the UFC contract. But, it can mean even more, if both fighters talk about their friendship that built over the course of the first three weeks, and how that friendship will be put aside once the octagon door closes on Thursday night. They both need to put over what it means to have a chance at the UFC contract. If this is done right, this could be another money feud that UFC has in the bank, waiting to cash in on.
Both Ross Pointon and Mike Bisping are colourful personalities that the fans have learned to care about. Thats two thirds of the winning formula for drawing money already in the bank. The final third is pitting them against each other in an important match. And, to most fans watching TUF, this match on Thursday is an important match. I can’t wait. Hopefully, a re-match on PPV can sound just as lucrative.
Topics: All Topics, Luke Nicholson, MMA, UFC, UK | 5 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |
One thing that neither you or the show points out is that Ross’s and Michael’s last pro fight was against eachother! Ross got submitted via Armbar.
To me this is sort of intresting. Was that fight so good that Dana & Co. did want them both on the show? Or how was the selection made? I mean, they must’ve been to quite a few fights before selecting their TUF particants.
Being a brit myself, i’m really looking forward to this fight. I love you americans, but it is great to see some brittish talent on the show 😀
Ross makes mention of his last fight before his first TUF fight. He didn’t say it was with Bisping, but he said something about how in his last fight he was swinging for the fences and then got caught in “some stupid armbar”. I don’t think Ross has much respect for submissions or grappling.
Emil, I didn’t know that. Thanks.
ross is so sexy i was extatic when they brought him back damn i have a soft spot for hotties with gold teeth and accents