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PRIDE 7/1 Saitama Super Arena card line-up

By Zach Arnold | June 7, 2006

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Hidehiko Yoshida vs. Mirko Cro Cop and Kazuyuki Fujita vs. Vanderlei Silva was announced for the 7/1 Saitama Super Arena show. In addition, Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira vs. Fabricio Werdum and Josh Barnett vs. Mark Hunt were also announced as matches taking place.

Topics: All Topics, Japan, MMA, PRIDE, Zach Arnold | 4 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

4 Responses to “PRIDE 7/1 Saitama Super Arena card line-up”

  1. Jarred says:

    Check on the PRIDE USA site, they also have Kazuhiro Nakamura vs. Evangelista “Cyborg” Santos listed as a fight.

  2. blah says:

    Why are people happy with this, this was rumored for a month now.

    Nog and Werdum is setup, cause we won’t have a philio/arona fight, but let’s be honest, we all wanted a Hunt vs Fujita fight.

  3. roadblock says:

    You’ll probably get Hunt/Fujita in the Semis to go with a Nog/Cop rematch.

    This is a great card. I hope it makes it to U.S. Pay Per View.

  4. Zach Arnold says:

    Unless Hunt KO’s Barnett and Barnett allows him to get into a slug-fest, Josh should win that fight. Nogueira should be able to win over Werdum, and Mirko should beat Yoshida. The real question is Silva vs. Fujita and whether or not Fujita can hang with him. We know they can both punch hard, and Silva has had a mixed record against bigger fighters (draw vs. Mirko, decision loss to Hunt). However, I would certainly not count out Silva in winning that fight.


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