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Yoshimoto, HG disassociate from Hustle

By Zach Arnold | June 7, 2006

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Yahoo Japan HP:
Yahoo Japan HP: “Yoshimoto, HG leave Hustle”

By Zach Arnold

Nikkan Sports (via Yahoo Japan) reports that Razor Ramon HG is about to leave Hustle due to orders from his bosses at Yoshimoto Kogyo. With the news of Fuji TV blacklisting anyone associated with DSE/PRIDE, this has sent shockwaves throughout the industry. Nikkan Sports says that Yoshimoto is worried about the situation, because they cannot afford to have their top talent banned from the Fuji TV network — there’s too much money at stake.

Topics: All Topics, Japan, Media, PRIDE, Pro-Wrestling, Zach Arnold | 6 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

6 Responses to “Yoshimoto, HG disassociate from Hustle”

  1. Tradition Rules says:

    Well Dr. Keith, I guess this answers you question from the previous Fight Opinion report posting.

    I knew this would happen. Maybe he’ll show up in New Japan’s WrestleLand? After all, He is good friends w/ Tanahashi who is a big part of WL, and it seems to be more (but not compleatly) entertainment oriented?


  2. Irving says:

    I doubt he’d work for WL because of it’s small setting. Wether most will like to face it or not, wrestling needs HG, HG doesn’t need wrestling, the fact that he likes to wrestle is however a plus, but if he were to wrestle anywhere outside of HUSTLE, it’d have to be a really big show.. not a brand extension type thing such as WL.

    To be honest, I don’t see him continuing wrestling if HUSTLE doesn’t make it out of this scandal alive.

  3. Edward says:

    I dunno – if him and Tanahashi aren’t a work, he might be cool with it, as apparently HG *really* can go in the ring.

  4. Zach Arnold says:

    HG can certainly wrestle, and there’s no question that he knows how to work with an audience. He is one of the very few celebrities who could seriously make it in the wrestling business and appeal to a very broad spectrum of fans.

  5. PizzaChef says:

    If New Japan heavily promoted HG at the Tokyo Dome, I bet they will sell out the bloody thing lol!

    TokGAYo Dome, FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Edward says:

    I’ve seen footage of HG working, but only outside of the ring, would like to see him in it — he’s got a picture-perfect Mexican surfboard, for one.


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