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Bob Sapp’s side of the story

By Zach Arnold | May 31, 2006

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By Zach Arnold

The pressure on K-1 has just picked up. Bob Sapp’s side of the story about the K-1 Amsterdam fiasco has been relayed on the MMA Ring Report web site. Compare this report to what the Japanese have been claiming and what Simon Rutz is claiming.

Topics: All Topics, Japan, K-1, Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 2 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

2 Responses to “Bob Sapp’s side of the story”

  1. Alexey R says:

    Hard to know what’s really going on…, with all the yakuza scandals of recent…, but Sapp is getting old, and by that I don’t mean his age, but his media exposure, an overused athlete on the verge of retirement, I don’t give him many more good years, but then again, the japanese don’t look at an athletes fight record in the same way as europeans or americans.

    Also the tax angle, it was unknown to me…, an athlete like Bob Sapp usually has a good agent = he would know about the tax situation when he signed the deal…, come on, he’s not an idiot and would have a agent with knoweledge of the situation…

    Hard to pic a side in the game of houses…, everyone is innocent i guess, blame it on the boogie…

  2. Roadblock says:

    The article says Sapp has no intention of fighting in K-1 and is actively looking to fight MMA in the US. With the UFC/K-1 affiliation this must eliminate UFC. Does that mean Sapp is thinking of the WFA or IFL? He’s linked to Maurice Smith who is an IFL coach. He’d also be a great name for the WFA to bring in. WFA could do a Super Heavy division. Sapp vs Ricco for the title.


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