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New MMA show on US TV?

By Zach Arnold | April 25, 2006

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TV Week is reporting that BET (Black Entertainment Television) is going to have a new ultimate fighting show called “The Iron Ring,” which will involve celebrity managers.

Good or bad idea?

Topics: All Topics, Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 10 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

10 Responses to “New MMA show on US TV?”

  1. Al Yu says:

    Kimbo, is that you?

  2. justin says:

    OMG are they stupid? lol!!! PLEASE REFER TO BOONDOCKS EPISODE where martin luther king says “BET is the worst thing to happen to black folks “and now it’s the worst thing to happen to MMA. I can’t stand bandwagon jumpers, just when things are running smooth for mma in N. America you get these cheesy mogals tryin’ to make a quick buck,thats all they have is dollar signs in there eyes$$!


  3. Erin says:

    Yikes, I can support IFL in their obvious not knowing what they are doing, but this seems like the GLOW version of MMA. As in bearing the same basic premise but completely tarted up.

  4. Roadblock says:

    BET does a decent job with Boxing. It’ll probably be Ludacris and 50 Cent as the managers though. That could be horrible.

  5. Rich says:

    I’m smelling an enormous Kevin Randleman push.

  6. Luke A. says:

    I’ll just say that BET has already had too much of an impact on society.

  7. HijoDelOso says:

    Soul Train’s Don Cornelius managing Rampage Jackson vs Tito Jackson managing Randleman….hell yeah. 🙂

  8. BlackBabyJesus says:

    Am I the only one who can see the Wu Tang Fight Club?

  9. Had I read this a few weeks ago, I would be like “ha..great april fools joke!” but this…this is just sad really. I take back my stance on “any free MMA is good MMA”. Way to make me eat my words BET!!!

  10. Chris Irish says:

    Great, its the Def Jam Fight for NY live action series. Maybe they’ll fight on subway platforms and in bars. Maybe Biz Markie could manage.


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