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Rampage’s next destination: K-1?

By Zach Arnold | March 14, 2006

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By Zach Arnold

Two media reports today in Japan (Sankei Sports & Daily Sports) have Quinton “Rampage” Jackson considering an offer from K-1 HERO’s. In the Sankei Sports article, Rampage is quoted as saying, “I am not sure where I’ll be fighting net. K-1 wa dai suki desu (I really like K-1).” In the Daily Sports article, the article talks about Rampage having a new child and needing money, which is why he wants to fight where the best money is.

Topics: All Topics, Japan, K-1, MMA, Zach Arnold | 6 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

6 Responses to “Rampage’s next destination: K-1?”

  1. Adnan says:

    rampage is a fool if he goes to k-1 hero`s! it will just show what type of fighter/person he is! if rampage is scared pussy ( which i hope he isnt and he cant let his fans down) he will go to k-1 and give his fans excuse of money why he left pride! he will easily be champion at HEROS because theres no real competition that can give rampage a run for his money! If rampage isnt that bitch that he claims to be, he will stay in pride and have some tuff fights and he will have to work to be champion! if i was in rampage situation, i would go to k-1 heros, why? easy competition, a lot more money, and more time to train ( because heros cards are announced way before prides are)

  2. Zach Arnold says:

    Why would he be a “scared pussy” for going to HERO’s?

    a) At the moment, it seems that K-1 would be offering more money.

    b) It would seem that Jackson would have more opponents to face, or least fresher match-ups. At this point in his career, he needs to consider who is going to pay him the most and where he would get the most longevity.

    c) Rampage, as in past radio interviews done on the Puroresu Power site, has stated that he has wanted to do some kickboxing matches.

    Now, you can question the merits of his business decision, but calling him a “scared pussy” for considering it is 100% inaccurate and false.

    This is a business. Yes, it’s a sport and people fight, but at this point in his life he has to make the smartest decisions for his long-term future. I think you’re going to see a lot of fighters in a similar position as Rampage is in right now in the near future.

  3. Mr. Roadblock says:

    If Rampage were to compete in K-1’s kickboxing division that would be interesting. But Hero’s MMA is a joke. It has no consistency and is at this time meaningless. Best case scenario for MMA fans, especially those in North America is that QJ stays with Pride or comes to the UFC. UFC should offer him the contract Liddell gets 200k to show 200k to win. He will be a liscense to print money for Zuffa in the US market.

  4. Al says:

    Waking up to the new reality that Rampage can compete only 3 times in Hero’s MMA…and that k-1 likes to have mixed weight battles but would gladly pay a premium to have Rampage since he’s well liked in Japan and brings instant credibility to Hero’s slowly growing credibility. As a Show I love Hero’s but QJ is now in his prime @ 27 he has to be serious about either winning a championship for himself or winning a long term big $ contract for his family.

    Both could be available if he first signs a short term deal w/ DSE and then proves his worth by defeating some top tier *(non ChuteBoxe)* competition and then asking for a rematch w/ Wand who is basically getting no serious threats @ 205 outside of Arona…but that was 2 round tournament which he couldn’t repeat in a full round match.

    I’d like for QJ to stay w/ PRIDE… but if Hero’s gets say…Inoki protege RYOTO MACHIDA to face QJ and then finds some other guys of quality who are available then anything is possible.
    As a wild thought…how About Tito Ortiz joining Hero’s if UFC doesn’t want him..(he wants the $ and could easily be kicked out if he loses to KenShamrock)

  5. Adnan says:

    i didnt call rampage a scared puss! rampage would be a scared puss if he goes to hero`s, theres no competition for him there! HE WILL SLAM every jap/korean fighter in his weight class ( and you can quote me on this one)! if he wants to prove to the world he is the best or prove to himself he is the best, he must stay in pride and recapture the belt!

  6. HijoDelOso says:

    There is an old business axiom that the quickest way to get a good raise is to change jobs. Happens every day and I dare say that people on this board have done that very thing. Why should fighters be held to a different standard? Their money making years are relatively short and I fully support a fighter making as much money as fast as they can. Even if Jackson prefers to stay in Pride, it is a good negotiating tactic to get competing offers. Pride then has to up the ante or possibly lose him.


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