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Royce Gracie Declares Settlement Of Dispute With DSE

By Adam Underhill | December 30, 2005

Print Friendly and PDF is reporting that Royce Gracie and DSE have settled their on-going dispute over a breach of contract earlier today. Royce Gracie posted a statement regarding his contract disute with Dream Stage Entertainment on the internet this afternoon. Here is the dialogue as posted on

Dear my Japanese fans,

I had been in dispute with DSE over a breach of contract that I entered into with Dream Stage Entertainment. I would like to announce that DSE and I have settled the case. In the course of the dispute, I learned my manager misinterpreted certain provisions of the contract at issue and conveyed such misinterpretation to me, and, as a result, that I did not comply with the contract. I explained this to DSE and we reached this settlement. Of course, I did not mean to insult DSE and I did not intend to breach the contract, but I am very sorry for DSE, FujiTV and fans about the confusion caused by the fact that our side did not comply with the contract.

Royce Gracie

Topics: Adam Underhill, Japan, K-1, MMA, PRIDE | 1 Comment » | Permalink | Trackback |

One Response to “Royce Gracie Declares Settlement Of Dispute With DSE”

  1. Chuck says:

    My GOD!! Royce Gracie is admitting defeat to a fight which he lost?!?! The end is near folks…


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