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R.I.S.E Kickboxing 1/29 Card; Amateur Tournament

By Adam Underhill | December 30, 2005

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In conjunction with their R.I.S.E XXII show at the Golds Gym in Tokyo on 1/29, the promotion recently announced an amatuer tournament under the name "KAMINARIMON" to recruit potential fighters for 2006. The tournament will take place before the actual R.I.S.E XXII show at the Golds Gym in Tokyo. Entrants will need to be pay a fee of 4,000 yen (around $34) to fight in the tournament. 1,500 yen of that will be for insurance expenses.

R.I.S.E will be recruiting fighters for the following weight divisions;

» Men under 55kg, under 60kg, under 65kg, under 70kg, under 75kg under 80kg, over 80kg+

» Women under 50kg, under 55kg, under 60kg, over 60kg+

The cut-off date for entrants is Friday January 20th 2006. The rules can be found at this link. Click here for the application form in .pdf format.

Sunday January 29th 2006
Golds Gym, Tokyo

(Under 56.0kg)
» Mitsuharu Eguchi (Team Dragon) vs. Genki Nakamura (Cross Point Kichijoji)
(Under 60.0kg)
» Hajime Uda (Scramble Shibuya) vs. Ryu Uma (Y-Park)
(Under 57.0kg)
» Kiyoshi Umezawa (Team Dragon) vs. Koji Tamano (Cross Point Kichijoji)

Yoichi Uchida,  Takahagi Tsutomu and Toshiya Suzuki are all expected to participate on this card. Visit the official R.I.S.E website or call 03-3374-8621 for ticket and other information.

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