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Fighters start to arrive in Japan

By Zach Arnold | December 27, 2005

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Royce Gracie is already in Japan, training and preparing at the Gracie Academy in Tokyo for his upcoming fight against Hideo Tokoro.

Ernesto Hoost arrived in Japan and said that he was in very good condition. He said that he would win his fight without fail. Sankei Sports reported that Hoost’s tentative retirement fight is set in the Netherlands in May of 2006. However, that will not stop Hoost from continuing to take bookings and fight in Japan.

Zulu arrived and did a photo-op for the press, giving the media a declaration of defeating Fedor in 5 minutes by KO.

Mark Hunt arrived in Japan on Tuesday and said that he would be coming into his fight at around 126 kg (275-280 pounds). He said that he would be more than willing to work the 2006 Heavyweight GP tournament in the PRIDE ring.

Alan Karaev, the 180 kg (almost 400-pound) Russian giant who is training at the Maru-Pro Gym (he was originally introduced by c-level TV celebrity Paul Maki), did a photo-op with the press today by crushing an apple inside of his right hand. He squeezed it all over. Karaev said that he would get a 1st round KO over Jerome Le Banner with his “Crush Hammer Punch,” which is a right hook.

Emelianenko Fedor & Mirko Cro Cop also arrived in Japan on Tuesday.

“The Fight Professor” Stephen Quadros has a detailed breakdown of the 12/31 PRIDE event. Go read it.

Topics: All Topics, Japan, MMA, PRIDE, Zach Arnold | 2 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

2 Responses to “Fighters start to arrive in Japan”

  1. Fight Opinion Rocks!

    Thanks for the plug of my column(s).

    Happy New Year!

    Stephen Quadros
    “The Fight Professor”


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