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K-1 & G.C.M To Promote New Fight Event

By Adam Underhill | December 26, 2005

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FEG K-1 and the Japanese MMA promotion G.C.M are to promote a new combat event scheduled for Saturday February 4th 2006 at the Differ Ariake in Tokyo, Japan. Numerous reports suggest that the new promotion will go under the alias “MARS” and will be produced in association with FEG, the company behind K-1 and HEROS. Both companies have stated their intentions of using a ring, opposed to DOG’s (GCM’s latest fight project) cage-style fights. There has been no word in regards to whether stand-up fights will be integrated with the MMA-rules bouts.

Three fights have already been confirmed for the card on 2/4/06, and three confirmed fighters are already making their way through various news sites.

> Eiji Mitsuoka vs. Vitor “Shaolin” Ribeiro
> Hidetaka Monma vs. Rodrigo Gracie
> Hiroki Ozaki vs. Kazuhiro Hamanaka
> Takumi Yano vs. TBA
> Kuniyoshi Hironaka vs. TBA
> Osami Shibuya vs. TBA

This event takes place on the same day as Cage Rage 15: Adrenalin Rush at the Wembley Conference Centre in London, U.K, and ofcourse UFC 57: Couture vs. Liddell at the Mandalay Bay Events Center, Nevada.

Topics: Adam Underhill, Japan, MMA, UFC, UK | 2 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

2 Responses to “K-1 & G.C.M To Promote New Fight Event”

  1. Zach Arnold says:

    Not to mention that K-1 MAX is at Saitama Super Arena with Masato on 2/4.

    This is going to be an insane day for MMA. It truly is the Super Bowl of MMA on a worldwide scale with the 3 major MMA markets all having big shows. Tremendous.

  2. I’ll hopefully be attending the Cage Rage 15 show, so a full report will definitely be on the cards. MMA is really picking up this side of the pond, so it will be interesting to see the developments up until 2/4/06.


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