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K-1 12/31/08 Dynamite card line-up

By Zach Arnold | December 28, 2008

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12/31 Saitama Super Arena (3 PM start)

Here is the fight order:

  1. K-1 youngster tournament (reserve fight): Daizo Sasaki vs. Taishi Hiratsuka
  2. DREAM rules: Minowaman (Ikuhisa Minowaman) vs. Errol Zimmerman
  3. K-1 youngster tournament: Ryuya Kusakabe vs. Koya Urabe
  4. K-1: HIROYA vs. Shota Shimada
  5. 71 kg (K-1 rules): Yoshihiro Sato vs. Artur Kyshenko
  6. 68 kg (DREAM rules): Hideo Tokoro vs. Daisuke Nakamura
  7. 75 kg (DREAM rules): Yukio Sakaguchi vs. Andy Ologun
  8. K-1 youngster tournament finals
  9. Heavyweights (DREAM rules): Bob Sapp vs. Kinnikuman (Akihito Tanaka)
  10. Heavyweights (DREAM rules): Semmy Schilt vs. Mighty Mo
  11. Welterweights (DREAM rules): Hayato “Mach” Sakurai vs. Katsuyori Shibata
  12. 70 kg (K-1 rules): Kozo Takeda vs. Tatsuya Kawajiri
  13. K-1 rules: Badr Hari vs. Alistair Overeem
  14. Heavyweights (DREAM rules): Mirko Cro Cop vs. Choi Hong-Man
  15. K-1 rules: Musashi vs. Gegard Mousasi
  16. Heavyweights (DREAM rules – 5 rounds): Jerome Le Banner vs. Mark Hunt
  17. Lightweights (DREAM rules): Eddie Alvarez vs. Shin’ya Aoki
  18. Lightweights (DREAM rules): Joachim Hansen vs. JZ Calvan
  19. Middleweights (DREAM rules): Kiyoshi Tamura vs. Kazushi Sakuraba

Topics: Japan, K-1, Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 14 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

14 Responses to “K-1 12/31/08 Dynamite card line-up”

  1. Chuck says:

    Looks like a fun show. But Zimmerman is fighting again already? He is just coming back from a pretty sick KO loss to Hari, they really couldn’t give him a time off of any sort?

    And Bob Sapp is fighting? I ahve GOT to see that!

  2. 45 Huddle says:

    I would go mental if I sat through that entie event. I’m interested in exactly 3.5 of those fights…

    Alvarez/Aoki, Hanse/JZ, Semmy/Mo, and a .5 for Tamura/Sakuraba just for old school reasons.

  3. IceMuncher says:

    I don’t I’ve ever seen 19 fights on a single card. How long is the event scheduled for?

  4. Rob says:

    It will probably last a 8-9 hours.

  5. Michaelthebox says:

    Chuck: Zimmerman’s loss to Hari wasn’t that sick; he was back up and coherent not that long after the fight was waved off, it wasn’t like he was out for any period of time. Moreover, he’s fighting Minowa, which means he’s basically at 0% risk for head trauma during the fight. If he loses, it’ll be by submission.

  6. Ivan Trembow says:

    Pretty pathetic that Badr Hari is booked on this show.

  7. skwirrl says:

    Since I hate deuchey Alistair I’m happy to see he’s being fed to Badr.

    Also – only a complete noob would not be interested in Tokoro vs Nakamura.

  8. dave2 says:

    Why does FEG have to treat kickboxing and MMA like such a joke? Do the Japanese casual fans really have such poor taste?

    Also I’ve heard that apparently this event is going to be shown on some online PPV outside of Japan rather than on HDNet?

  9. rainrider says:

    >Why does FEG have to treat kickboxing and MMA like such a joke? Do the Japanese casual fans really have such poor taste?

    Dave2, do a search on Kohaku Utagassen that NHK(Jap National TV) airs on NYE. They alternate K-1 bouts with Dream bouts in the same manner that Kohaku Utagassen does with Male/Female singers and pop/enka(Korean Blues) artists.

  10. Why is it pathetic that Hari is there? Because he fouled Bonjasky and was suspended?

    K-1 wants to cash in on his popularity, plain and simple.

  11. Paul says:

    The proposed internet broadcast by a website called has fallen through. And Jerome LeBanner is out with the flu, so Melvin Manhoef will be his last-hours replacement against Mark Hunt. MMA Junkie has the details.

  12. matthew says:

    Shibata is going to get brutally K.O.ed.
    And I think in a K-1 rules match Takeda has to be favored even though he is a little long in the tooth. And if Hari is not damaged from the Grand Prix he should beat Overeem with ease.

  13. matthew says:

    BTW, does Melvin ever take time off!? Wtf man he fights basically every month.

  14. Chuck says:

    Wait a minute! Katsuyori Shibata is fighing Sakurai? At welterweight? What the fuck? Wasn’t he a heavyweight pro wrestler? Or is DREAM’s welterweight limit at 210 lbs.?


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