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Shocking UFC Fight Night Japan 2017 Saitama Super Arena card

By Zach Arnold | September 4, 2017

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This event will be on DAZN in Japan. I’m not sure if it will air on terrestrial television or not…

9/23 Saitama Super Arena (8:30 AM Japanese standard time)

Under card

Main card

Since UFC’s fight several years ago in Japan, each successive event has had less and less attention. UFC has had a golden chance to take over a major combat sports market and failed to do so.

Topics: Japan, Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 5 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

5 Responses to “Shocking UFC Fight Night Japan 2017 Saitama Super Arena card”

  1. Diaz's packed bowl says:

    in other news….

  2. Safari_Punch says:

    Is it any worse than the shows that Rizin puts on?

  3. Juchi says:

    The only thing I’m bummed about is that Syuri Kondo (5-0) vs. Chan Mi Jeon (5-1) is limited to Fight Pass. With those records, I would have typically hoped to have seen them on the FXX pre-lims. With the exception of Gokhan Saki, a well-known kick boxer, the fighters all seem well-seasoned in MMA. With the exception of the co-main event (Gadelha/Andrade), nearly every match-up features a Japanese fighter, mostly well known. Not sure what is so “shocking” about the card.

    • Zach Arnold says:

      This is a horrific card on a lot of business levels. I would struggle to even book this kind of card at a building like Yokohama Bunka Gym.

      Shuri Kondo is one of the few interesting stories here and should have been on the main card. There is a unique deal here for her where she will be able to go back to wrestling a month later. Either Pancrase or Dentsu negotiated a special deal to get her on the show.

  4. […] A horribly uninteresting UFC fight card at Saitama Super Arena has one shining light — super charismatic and athletic Pancrase champion Shuri Kondo. She has a unique deal where she will be able to wrestle 30 days after her UFC bout happens. At least that is the plan. […]


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