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California legislature preparing to establish task force on weight cutting & dehydration

By Zach Arnold | January 7, 2016

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There was a meeting in Los Angeles last month with various promoters and fighters about this issue regarding the California State Athletic Commission. Now there is legislative muscle behind the effort to address this very important health & safety issue in combat sports.

California Senate Bill 587 would establish the following by updating the Business and Professions Code:

18645.5. The commission shall establish a task force to evaluate the impacts of weight cutting, dehydration, and rapid rehydration. The task force may be comprised of physicians and surgeons with expertise in dehydration and rapid rehydration and boxing and mixed martial arts stakeholders, including licensees. The task force, in evaluating impacts, shall consider dangers of certain practices athletes undergo to meet the requirements outlined in Section 18706 and may provide recommendations to the commission that include, but are not limited to, proper techniques to detect dehydration, outreach the commission can undertake to educate licensees about dehydration and rapid rehydration, and the appropriateness of commission weight classifications established in Section 298 of Article 6 of Chapter 1 of Division 2 of Title 4 of the California Code of Regulations.

There will be a meeting on Monday, January 11th for the state Senate’s Business, Professions, and Economic Development committee to get the ball rolling on updating the B & P code.

Topics: Boxing, CSAC, Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 5 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

5 Responses to “California legislature preparing to establish task force on weight cutting & dehydration”

  1. Nepal says:

    The big problem for Dana and UFC is if they adopt similar weight cutting programs like OneFC has, it confuses the legacies of guys moving forward. All of a sudden, Hendricks, Lawler, Woodley, Condit, GSP and Nick Diaz are now middle weights. Looking back, you will see guys like Rockhold as the MW champ, then as the LW champ. Not as nice and clean as if we keep the same dangerous policies of today (and really, who cares about dangers for the fighters? They’re just fighters).


    Looks like frattata influence/payola could pit their panel of docs against the usada’s iv ban before ufc does something drastically positive for the fighters on their own accord like ONEc.

  3. jf says:

    Ufc can provide iv after weigh ins, pay for it, and avoid the rehydration threat. Ufc may love the idea of more tkos due to the dry skull effect, without use of IV. Just as they loved testosterone… At first.

    • DIAZ'S PACKED BOWL says:

      Yeah. Gonna miss those great dry skull ko’s delivered by TRT, HGH and Steroid enhanced psychotics. But now at least we have RIZIN for Steroid enhanced psychotics.

      Looking at the early ufcs there are pretty much no KO’s with the fists. Only one or two in the first 5 events. Elbows got the job done several times in devastating fashion. Those open weight fighters were tough to ko, and it wasn’t until tank brought in some gloves that ko’s with punches started. Now you have all types of ko’s with the hands every show.


    reminds me of big daddy vs Herrera, its amazing that most brutal ko has yet to be even close to duplicated, firemans carry goes wrong, crucifix 9 unanswered 12-6 elbows..
    ufc 197… looking good


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