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Fight Opinion Radio: Josh Gross (@yay_yee) on media honesty, MMA drug usage, oversaturation

By Zach Arnold | May 23, 2014

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Time length of this week’s show: 37 minutes (17 MB MP3)

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Josh Gross (on Twitter @yay_yee) has seen it all as an MMA writer spanning two decades. He, along with Mike Fish, wrote the ESPN story on testosterone usage in MMA that broke open the multi-year anabolic steroid scandal with athletic commissions and UFC. We talked with Josh about the fallout & criticism he received from writing that article along with the ever-changing media attitudes towards Mixed Martial Arts. A recent syrupy Washington Post article summarized the current state of affairs. Josh brings candor & honesty to the table in regards to discussing the current state of affairs with integrity & honesty in the current MMA media scene.

In addition, Judge Jeff & yours truly has a lengthy breakdown of a recent article by friend-of-the-show John Nash at Bloody Elbow titled Managers express concerns over Bellator’s sticky contracts. Bellator has a taken a beaten in the press over their alleged contracts of adhesion. There was even the famous Reddit MMA article about a $400 pay day and selling tickets. The press has not been very positive for Bellator on this front.

However, there is an angle to the Bellator contract situation that has not been discussed: the role of California. On our program this week, we break down the missing angle that no one is focusing on. Bellator is now a California company under Spike/Viacom ownership. They are a licensed promoter. If any California-based fighter is licensed with the Athletic Commission, they could avoid going to court with Bellator by asking for arbitration. However, there’s a lot of questions and moving parts to analyze if a fighter decides to go that route. We break it all down and make it simple for you to understand.

Contact us

Get a hold of us by messaging Judge Jeff on Twitter (@whaledog) and Zach on Twitter (@fightopinion).

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Special thanks

To Zack Nelson for his past & present support of Fight Opinion Radio. Solid gold character.

Topics: Bellator, Fight Opinion Radio, Jeff Thaler, Media, MMA, podcasts, UFC, Zach Arnold | 1 Comment » | Permalink | Trackback |

One Response to “Fight Opinion Radio: Josh Gross (@yay_yee) on media honesty, MMA drug usage, oversaturation”

  1. klown says:

    Another interesting show – thanks guys.


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