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Fight Opinion Radio: Mad genius Eddie Bravo has a high-stakes tournament concept destined to grab attention

By Zach Arnold | April 16, 2014

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We have had some great interviews so far on Fight Opinion Radio so far, but our recent interview with the one and only Eddie bravo of 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu is the best we’ve done so far if you are interested in discussing techniques that make fighters so successful in Mixed Martial Arts.

With his new book, Advanced Rubber Guard, just released… has Eddie won the philosophical battle when it comes to gi-versus-no-gi grappling? He appeared this week on Fight Opinion Radio to make the case that the argument has already been won. And he wants you to check out his Mastering The System video series as proof of it. Any time you have a chance to learn techniques called The Electric Chair and the Bear Trap, you know the violence is real. Whether it’s the half-guard or quarter-guard, Eddie always is coming up with new tricks. Ask Royler Gracie how it felt to have some of those techniques used on him.

With the Metamoris 3 fight behind him, Eddie is embarking on a new venture: the Eddie Bravo Invitational. On June 1st at Florentine Gardens in Hollywood, he will be hosting two 16-man tournaments: one at 145 pounds and one at 170 pounds. Same day weigh-ins. The tournaments will be taped for Spanish-language television. The concept? No-gi grappling, submission-only rules. If you submit your opponent in regular round time, you get $25,000. If you go to overtime, you win $5,000. If a fight goes to overtime, a winner will be determined ala extra innings in baseball. Submit your opponent and stop your opponent from a submission in an overtime round and you win.

In additional to our extensive interview with Eddie Bravo, Jeff Thaler & I chime in with our thoughts on the recent subscription & PPV numbers released by WWE for Wrestlemania and what the future of both the WWE Network & UFC’s Fight Pass project looks like. Did the UFC miss the boat with their online video subscription service? Do they have time to refocus the IPTV project and make it a more vital & important component of the company’s business model?

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Time length of this week’s show: 45 minutes (21 MB MP3)

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Special thanks

To Zack Nelson for his past & present support of Fight Opinion Radio. He is the man.

Topics: Fight Opinion Radio, Jeff Thaler, Media, MMA, podcasts, UFC, WWE, Zach Arnold | 1 Comment » | Permalink | Trackback |

One Response to “Fight Opinion Radio: Mad genius Eddie Bravo has a high-stakes tournament concept destined to grab attention”

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    Silver Wall Sconce


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