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Fight Opinion Radio features the best: Hall-of-Famer Jimmy Lennon Jr. on the evolving combat sports scene

By Zach Arnold | April 8, 2014

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Jimmy Lennon Jr. is the man and he’s also on Twitter

With the television & PPV landscape changing so fast for combat sports programming, who else is better to talk about the modern history of combat sports than the best ring announcer in the business? (Sorry, Bruce.) Our guest this week on Fight Opinion Radio is Jimmy Lennon Jr. A total professional and one of the nicest men we’ve interacted with. Talk about someone who has a lot of stories to tell about not only his career but also his father’s career. If you love the history of combat sports, don’t miss our interview.

Our guest last week was Judo Gene LeBell, so it’s only appropriate to bring Jimmy Lennon Jr. on the show this week to talk about his memories from attending shows at the Olympic Auditorium in Los Angeles. Everybody remembers the first mega-fight Jimmy worked (between Buster Douglas & Mike Tyson in 1990 at the Tokyo Dome), but did you know he got paid $2,000 for that match? After history was made at the Tokyo Dome, Jimmy’s career soared to the top and the rest is history. His thoughts on the similarities & differences between Julio Cesar Chavez Sr. vs. Jr. is interesting given that he worked the 1993 Azteca Stadium show in Mexico City.

What was most interesting about the interview is how much Jimmy missed working MMA events like Elite XC & Strikeforce. There are a lot of good ring announcers in the scene now but it’s hard to find someone who is on Jimmy’s level when it comes to pronouncing every name with fluidity. How does he pull it off?

As a bonus, we asked Jimmy about the back story on the crazy dual-announcer, dual TV-backed Showtime/HBO PPV from Memphis, Tennessee featuring Mike Tyson & Jimmy Lennon Jr. on one side of the ring and Michael Buffer with Lennox Lewis on the other side of the ring.

Download the show

The fourth episode of the Fight Opinion Radio 2014 campaign can be downloaded right here ( To automatically subscribe to the Fight Opinion Radio podcast, use this RSS link:

Time length of this week’s show: 35 minutes (16 MB MP3)

Special thanks

To Zack Nelson for his past & present support of Fight Opinion Radio. Some new changes will be appearing on the show soon, we promise.

Contact us

Jeff Thaler wants your feedback. Reach him on Twitter @whaledog and you can reach me @fightopinion. If you want to send us an e-mail, our e-mail address is [email protected]. So far, the listener numbers are excellent but we want to hear directly from you.

You got mailbag questions you want us to answer on the show next week? Send ’em.

Topics: Boxing, Fight Opinion Radio, Jeff Thaler, Media, MMA, podcasts, UFC, Zach Arnold | 1 Comment » | Permalink | Trackback |

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