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Fight Opinion Radio: The Mastodon of Verbosity, Mauro Ranallo, on the future of big fights on PPV

By Zach Arnold | March 17, 2014

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Time length of this week’s show: 36 minutes (17 MB MP3)

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Show theme: A loaded combat sports event schedule over the next three months

Three UFC shows within the last three weeks and it’s not slowing down. There are at least 10 more shows over the next 4 months. If you live & breathe combat sports 24/7, it’s great. If you’re a casual fan or burnt out, you’re waving the white flag. When Nikita Krylov is fighting on a main card of a PPV, you know the matchmaking is stretched thin.

For many years, The Ultimate Fighter has acted as the UFC’s quasi-minor league system. Then they decided to sign all the talented free agents and left the cupboard bare for TUF (on the men’s side). Is it time for the UFC to create their own official minor league system?

Special guest: “Zach Arnold guy” Mauro Ranallo

He was recently on The (Jim) Ross Report and the boss of Fight Opinion decided it was time for an interrogation of a man, myth, and legend that we created. For the first time in years, we sat down with Showtime boxing & GLORY kickboxing play-by-play man Mauro Ranallo. You can reach Mauro on Twitter @mauroranallo or via e-mail at [email protected].

A sample of some of the questions asked during the interrogation:

Special thanks

To Zack Nelson for past & present support of Fight Opinion Radio with music. We hope to work extensively with him and other bands in the future for a step-up in production values for Fight Opinion Radio.

Topics: Fight Opinion Radio, Jeff Thaler, Media, MMA, podcasts, PRIDE, UFC, Zach Arnold | 6 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

6 Responses to “Fight Opinion Radio: The Mastodon of Verbosity, Mauro Ranallo, on the future of big fights on PPV”

  1. ttt says:

    Thanks for putting this together Zach

  2. 45 Huddle says:

    The idea of a minor league for the UFC is a great idea, but it won’t happen.

    Take the Shogun vs. Henderson 2 card. Half of that talent should be in the UFC Minor League. But if they do that, then that minor league card will get less money at the gate and FOX Sports wouldn’t want it.

    They are purposely spreading themselves thin in order to milk the consumer for ever penny. Short sighted really as they are burning out their fanbase.

    But I agree. The UFC should really be for the Top 20 to 25 fighters in each weight class.

  3. Rob Maysey says:

    For some–the majority of the pie is not enough.

  4. Dick Tracy says:

    Agree with Mauro 100% – PPV is about big stars. It’s not about a bunch of “good” fights (we can see that for free) it’s about the big cahunas. These stars have to attract eyeballs and more importantly, casuals who will turn their heads for the main event. Right now, the UFC has 0 major draws.

    Jon Bones Jones is their biggest draw right now but it’s hard to see him pulling 500k + for his fight with Glover. If you look at the UFCs current roster, they will be lucky to get a 400k buyrate.

    • turd says:

      hey dick, i posted this on another forum the ufc right now has no big draws at all. i dont think they have one person on the roster right now thatcan pull in over 500 k in sales.

      • Dick Tracy says:

        Predictions on what the biggest PPV of the year will be? Aside from a GSP/Silva comeback, I’m thinking the rematch of Gustaffson/Jones.

        Nick Diaz can hype a fight, and it would be a slap in the face to the sport, but I’d say Diaz/Hendricks would be up there too.


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