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The return of Fight Opinion Radio with Jeff Thaler & the great John Hackleman

By Zach Arnold | March 11, 2014

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“Sometimes it is good to change the scenery a little, change the look a little. Get out of your comfort zone. You want stability but you want instability at the same time. Everybody loves routine, you know like the same thing, the same coffee everybody, but they like differences and they like excitement, too. Like you don’t want to know the end of the movie. Sometimes you want to change your ice cream. Sometimes, I don’t know about you guys, I have a feeling you two probably when you’re in bed with your women you close your eyes and pretend it’s some guy, some Asian guy, I don’t know.”

With guest respect like that, what could go wrong?

Fight Opinion Radio is back after a five year hiatus. Rusty but ready & fired up. Our special guest this week is Mr. John Hackleman from The Pit ( Great knowledge & a great sense of humor. Some of the topics we covered during the interview:

In addition to our guest interview, Mr. Whaledog returns. Top lawyer Jeff Thaler is back to ruminate over some of the more interesting business-related topics in Mixed Martial Arts including:

Download the show

The first 2014 episode of Fight Opinion Radio can be downloaded right here ( To automatically subscribe to the Fight Opinion Radio podcast, use this RSS link: This link should work for all RSS programs and podcatching programs. You’ll never miss any of our new shows.

Time length of this week’s show: 40 minutes (17 MB MP3)

Contribute a donation

If you want more shows, more guest interviews, and more upgrades to Fight Opinion… then help us help you by sending some coin our way. All money contributed via donation is directly invested in covering production expenses, guaranteed.

Next week…

It’s been years in the making. An old, famous enemy returns to Fight Opinion for a well-deserved interrogation. Plus: we respond to the UFC’s recent public intimidation of MMA writers and whether or not the bullying tactics are working. Has the testosterone scandal exposed UFC as a paper tiger in mainstream media circles? If the mainstream sports media decides to go hard after Zuffa in the future, is management prepared to withstand legitimate pressure?

Special thanks

To Zack Nelson for past & present support of Fight Opinion Radio with music. We hope to work extensively with him and other bands in the future for a step-up in production values for Fight Opinion Radio. Anyone who wants to contribute to the show, contact us on Twitter at @fightopinion and @whaledog or at Facebook. Our e-mail address is [email protected].

Topics: Fight Opinion Radio, Jeff Thaler, Media, MMA, podcasts, UFC, Zach Arnold | 12 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

12 Responses to “The return of Fight Opinion Radio with Jeff Thaler & the great John Hackleman”

  1. Mark says:

    Wow, I can’t believe FOR is back! Yay!

  2. King famous says:

    Hell yeah. Its back!

  3. 45 Huddle says:

    As the UFC crumbles and falters around us…. One radio podcast rises from the dead to set the sport straight. Welcome to Fight Opinion Radio!!!

    Glad to see it back.

  4. klown says:

    Welcome back! I used to be a big fan of FOR. This also tells me I’ve been a regular on this site for *more* than 5 years…

  5. Jonathan says:

    I am with Klown. I loved Fight Opinion Radio, and it made me stop listening to the Sherdog Radio Network. I cannot believe that it has been five years!

  6. Chris says:

    About time. And yes I did donate!

  7. Chuck says:

    Yay! I got a shout out! And my question being mentioned and answered! Anyway, great episode guys. I’ll definitely come back for more.

  8. rst says:

    I mostly like normal Fightopinion!

  9. rst says:

    No offense Boss,
    but is that the guy who ruined/made Chuck?

    Ask him aboot that!

  10. rst says:

    We’ve all heard aboot Glover,
    for years…

    Back in the day when we heard that he whooped Thierry,
    after Thierry had just whooped Ric and Lil Nog!

    But that doesn’t make him great,
    that makes him untested.


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