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Time to play “name this California doctor” for taking picture of KO’d fighter

By Zach Arnold | February 6, 2014

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One of the big issues right now in the California fight scene is regulation of events that are taking place on tribal land. Some of the venues (like Fantasy Springs in Indio, Chumash in Santa Ynez, Pechanga in Temecula, Morongo in Cabazon) allow the California State Athletic Commission to regulate boxing & MMA events. Other venues, like Tachi Palace in Lemoore, have had an on-again, off-again relationship with CSAC.

Obviously, the two issues at play here are money and safety. There been multiple occasions where tribal venues take a pass on having CSAC regulation and instead hire some CSAC athletic inspectors, doctors, and other officials to work the shows. This is often a source of consternation for the Sacramento front office, especially if said officials decide to work an unsanctioned show the same night as a sanctioned event.

On Thursday night, Greg Savage of Sherdog was at a Tachi fight event in Lemoore and posted a picture of a doctor taking a photo of a knocked out fighter getting placed on a stretcher board. Perhaps the doctor has a genuine reason for taking the photograph as far as legal & medical records are concerned. Or the doctor could have taken the photo for his own personal reasons. You can’t judge intent here but the picture certainly is interesting to look at.

I suspect the front office in Sacramento would like to know the name of the doctor and, if licensed with CSAC, would like to question him at their next commission meeting.

Topics: CSAC, Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 2 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

2 Responses to “Time to play “name this California doctor” for taking picture of KO’d fighter”

  1. 45 Huddle says:

    At least he didn’t take a selfie with the KO’d fighter!

  2. Jason McCoy says:

    The Dr did take those pics and used video of that fight in a presentation given at the CSAC meeting on 2-9-14 in Arroyo Grande. The subject o the CSAC meeting was traumatic brain injuries in MMA and boxing. You are right in that Tachi Fights doesn’t use CSAC for regulation and all of the officials are licensed. They use the ABC rules for MMA. Unlike other non commissioned shows, they have insurance for the fighters in case of injury. To the comment of the dr stopping the fight and blowing the horn early, in California the Dr may stop the fight if he deems neccesary, and blowing the horn is the method used in California. If anyone is trying to label the Tachi Fights as substandard in any way, they should take a closer look because they’re wrong.


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