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How much longer before we see Fallon Fox in Invicta?

By Zach Arnold | May 25, 2013

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Promoters and athletic commissions don’t turn down potential cash, no matter how brutal (and I mean brutal) the fan response is to Fallon Fox. Fallon’s support base amongst political activist organizations & elements of the media is growing. There will be promoters who think they can turn fan heat against Fallon into a “watch and see if a real woman can kick this person’s ass” kind of momentum to see tickets, similar to what we saw in Memphis in the early 80s when Andy Kaufman had his intergender title matches on the undercards of Mid-South Coliseum shows.

The next domino to fall is which athletic commissions give the OK for Fallon to fight. Florida is step one. California, a state that has been trying to recruit Invicta shows, could very well be step two. The political climate would also be favorable for getting match approval. Evidence here.

Just one problem… Brett Atchley is Fallon’s manager and he just got banned from Invicta events.

“I see similarities between Jackie Robinson and myself … he wasn’t understood, just like I’m not understood.

Topics: Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 6 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

6 Responses to “How much longer before we see Fallon Fox in Invicta?”

  1. frankp316 says:

    Problem number two. At the last Invicta show, Fallon Fox got into a verbal altercation with Bec Hyatt at the hotel. Though Fallon’s manager denied it happened, Bec posted the details on her Facebook. After that, it would seem Invicta would not be interested in Fallon. Based on this fight, Fallon lacks endurance anyway.

    • Steve4192 says:

      She also had run-ins with a number of Invicta staff at that same event and I believe she was asked to leave. I definitely don’t see her competing at Invicta anytime soon.

  2. 45 Huddle says:

    There was a picture of her cutting weight posted on The UG. I think it made many of men question their sexuality. She looked very bangable in a bikini….

    All the Invicta or the UFC has to do…. Is make them chromosome leagues. Anybody with a Y Chromosome can only compete in the men’s division.

    End of problem.


    Compared to Jackie Robinson? Robinson broke the color barrier. Because of who he was when he was born, he had to face huge issues to compete in MLB.

    Fox had to wack off her penis in order to have issues with competing.

    The two aren’t even in the same ballpark….

  3. Dnm3k says:

    Huddle, did you see that jaw line? No not bangable. And not fully passable either. That being said there are plenty of ladies similar to hear that can and do turn heads, if not make you do a double take and question what you’re seeing.

    After last night, I dont need to see FF fight again. I know she only has a few pro fights,but she brought nothing to the fight to make me want to search out and see her again. The tank wasn’t there, she wasn’t putting together shots, just jabs and rights that found their mark with no followup.

    The differences in body types was apparent, my wife made the point that guys fight others who are bigger and stronger, but it’s the weight classes that keep it somewhat closer to size, so atleast she wasn’t 40lbs heavier than her opponent.

    What I didn’t care for? She’s a dirty fighter, I could have sworn I saw her to go touch gloves, touch then throw a punch from the tap. Aside from that an eye poke, acknowledged she got her opponent, and then when most fighters would give the guy a break if the ref didn’t stop the fight for the poke, she went right in.
    Just bad cage etiquette all around, and in the end she had position and then finished the fight with a knee to the throat. toes off the mat, full forceon her knee into the girls throat to get the sub win.

    If she had an endearing personality or came off well in interviews I’d be open toit. I said if the IOC has guidlines for transgender athletes and then MMA should allow it and follow their example.
    I don’t know it is what it is, regardless of how good or not she is, she’s the current hot freakshow on the scene and an easy way to help sell tickets to a regional show.

  4. zack says:

    LOL at 45 admitting he’s turned on by Fallon Fox


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