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Consumer Affairs hiring new athletic inspectors for CSAC

By Zach Arnold | December 12, 2012

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While DCA is hiring new athletic inspectors, Executive Officer Andy Foster will be holding a training session for inspectors at Big John McCarthy’s gym in Valencia, California (25385 Rye Canyon Road Valencia, CA 91355) this Sunday. Information here (PDF).

Posted online yesterday (printer friendly version here):


Salary: $20.66 – $22.97
Posted: 12/11/12
Job Description:

Under the direction of the Lead Athletic Inspector, Assistant Chief Athletic Inspector, and /or the Chief Athletic Inspector, California State Athletic Commission (Commission) Athletic Inspectors (Athletic Inspector) are responsible for the immediate supervision of Commission regulated combat sporting events; wherein they ensure the health and safety of the competitors and compliance with the laws and rules related to regulated combat sporting events. Duties include, but are not limited to:

Weigh In


Supervises the dressing room so that only those affiliated with the competitor are present and nothing is brought into the dressing room that is now allowed. Ensure competitor has the required equipment. Ensure corner people are licensed.

Escorts competitor to the ring, in and out of the ring; remains ringside during the bout to perform the following: 1) Listen to referee’s instructions; observe the competitor and the care of the competitor; communicate information as needed to the referee, ringside physician or Lead Inspector. 2) Observe the conduct and actions of the corner people and take appropriate action. 3) Assist the ringside physician and the paramedics, if necessary. 4) Keep unauthorized personnel out of the ring or cage. 5) Escort competitor back to dressing room at the end of the fight.

Observe and sign-off on hand wraps ensuring compliance with applicable laws and rules. Verify gloves are the correct weight and type for the bout.

Facilitate the collection of urine samples from the competitors for drug testing (direct observation).

Distribute the fight purse to the competitors and any other checks written by the promoter and obtain each competitor’s signature on pay-off sheet. Provide athlete with suspension form and insurance claim form, as necessary.

Assist in the reconciliation of Box Office receipts, tickets, etc. to determine the percentage to be given to Commission for gate taxes, neurological and pension funds.

Assist with last minute licensing and document collections.

Issue suspension(s) and/or fines, as necessary for rule violations.

Perform cage/ring inspections.

This is a temporary position until the examination is administered later in 2013. Once the exam is administered, candidates passing the exam may be appointed to a permanent intermittent position. Candidates are paid at an hourly rate and as needed for special events.

Events are held throughout the State of California.

WHO MAY APPLY: Candidates who meet the minimum qualifications listed below may apply.


1) Paid employment in boxing, kickboxing, or full-contact martial arts sports in several matches or exhibitions as an official, participant, manager, club owner, matchmaker, trainer, box-office employee or as a news media reporter reporting boxing, kickboxing, or full-contact martial arts matches.


2. Two years of experience and involvement in the fields of boxing, kickboxing, or full-contact martial arts or experience and involvement in the collection of State revenue assessment and of State taxes.

HOW TO APPLY: All interested applicants must submit a standard State Application Form STD 678 (with original signature). Please make sure to include specific details about your work experience. You may include a resume to provide more details. Please indicate position #617-110-8846-907 in the Examinations or Job Title box.


100% of the time is spent attending Athletic Commission-regulated events. Events are typically indoors (although some are outdoors) and will require sitting, standing, walking, walking up stairs, climbing in and out of boxing rings and cages and light lifting (less than 25 pounds). Inspectors are assigned sporadically to events as close to their residence as possible; however, at times, the number of events held on one date may require travel outside of the inspector’s immediate area.

Office of Human Resources
1625 N Market Blvd Ste N-321
Sacramento, 95834

Sheila Braverman

Topics: Boxing, CSAC, Media, MMA, Zach Arnold | 1 Comment » | Permalink | Trackback |

One Response to “Consumer Affairs hiring new athletic inspectors for CSAC”

  1. Fightlinker says:

    the rss summary of this article was way more interesting:

    “The Department of Consumer Affairs is looking to hire new athletic inspectors, on the heels of a fraudulent audit report claiming $120,000 in misappropriation of CSAC funds to full-time state employees working as athletic inspectors.”


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