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Video: The growing online political chorus to legalize MMA in New York

By Zach Arnold | March 20, 2012

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1) It’s going to take a lot to budge Sheldon Silver on this issue.

2) Money talks & BS walks but even money doesn’t necessarily make the Fertittas & Dana White any more sympathetic to others.

3) The drug issue in MMA is big and it is an easy crutch for pols to whack MMA backers over the head with.

Topic resources: Stephen Koepfer | Eddie Goldman | Jim Genia

Topics: Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 10 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

10 Responses to “Video: The growing online political chorus to legalize MMA in New York”

  1. Fluyid says:

    Dear NY:

    Just legalize it already! Either outlaw boxing or legalize MMA. Makes me no difference.

    • Tomer says:

      Hey, it took almost 30 years for the Walker Law to be instituted in New York to permanently legalize Boxing back in 1920. New York’s legislative system is notoriously slow and porous, so taking years to reverse such a ban is pretty much par for course.

  2. Dave says:

    As much as there is a bunch of BS as to why MMA isn’t legal in NY, the big national push by the MMA media of “THIS IS A HEADLINE ISSUE” is a bit grating to me.

    A lot of the issue stems from, “I don’t want to have to go to New Jersey to see a show/fight on a show.” I get it, I’m originally from the Northeast and no one likes Jersey (unless you are from Jersey) and no one likes having to travel more than 30 minutes.

    Now that I live in the Southwest and have to travel anywhere from 6 – 10 hours to go to a concert or sporting event, I hear the whining about “yeah, but Jersey” and it just makes me not care about this issue anymore.

    • 45 Huddle says:

      This is very true. Floridians travel 2 hours without blinking an eye. But to get a native New Yorker (I mean city) to travel over the border to Jersey is like asking them to give up their first born.

      Rhode Islanders are even worse. They have a tiny state but act like driving outside its borders is just more then they can handle….

      • Dave says:

        Yep, lived in RI the first 25 years of my life and moving to Albuquerque was a giant shock to where I was driving 20 minutes a day to get to work and was only moving across half of the city.

        I go to Phoenix or Denver on a regular basis to see concerts and it puts into perspective how much I used to complain about going to Boston to see a show.

      • Dave says:

        Also, I’m happy that while MMA might not be allowed there, Muay Thai is beginning to thrive. The TaKe On show this weekend pulled in 3200+ at the Theater at MSG with there being more demand for tickets.

  3. Megatherium says:

    I hope that New York can hang onto it’s prohibition state status for a while longer. It’s kind of neat in a whacked out kind of way.

  4. Vadim says:

    I am getting miffed at seeing that shite piece of political propaganda posted all over the place. Its disgusting seeing right wingers use this issue as yet another way to swear so-called big government democrats, as if the democrats of New York are standing together against MMA or something.

    Its one guy in Sheldon Silver thats causing this probelm, it should be a bi-patisan effort to get this done but instead you have these idiots like Stephen Crowder (the guy who made the crap video) exploiting this issue for their own political gains. I think its sad to see Fight Opinion stooping so low as to help distribute that piece of nonsense.

    • Zach Arnold says:

      Its one guy in Sheldon Silver thats causing this probelm, it should be a bi-patisan effort to get this done but instead you have these idiots like Stephen Crowder (the guy who made the crap video) exploiting this issue for their own political gains. I think its sad to see Fight Opinion stooping so low as to help distribute that piece of nonsense.

      Are you a first time reader? If so, I’d recommend you search our archives and check out the many posts on this general subject we’ve done, including transcripts of conversations involving individuals of all political stripes on the topic.

  5. columbo says:

    I wish NY will never legalize MMA just to piss off all the whiners! lol


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