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Video: Anthony Johnson’s ‘Wanna get away?’ moment on the scale

By Zach Arnold | January 13, 2012

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He used to fight at 170 pounds and was the bane of Dan Hardy’s existence. Trouble making Welterweight, Anthony Johnson was set to make the move to Middleweight on Saturday to face Vitor Belfort. When it came time for weigh-in… he was 12 pounds over the established weight for the fight. Medical reasons or not, one thing is for certain — Anthony’s future in MMA is at Light Heavyweight or Heavyweight. Middleweight doesn’t look to be sustainable for him.

He weighed in at 197 pounds for a Middleweight fight… and he was cutting to make Welterweight a year ago. How did his body survive that massive weight cut? The penalty for not making weight? 20% purse reduction.

If Rumble is over 205 pounds on Saturday, the fight will be canceled… live. In front of fans who told him and Chad Mendes that they will die on Saturday night. That’s a hospitable atmosphere…

Topics: Brazil, Media, MMA, UFC, Zach Arnold | 10 Comments » | Permalink | Trackback |

10 Responses to “Video: Anthony Johnson’s ‘Wanna get away?’ moment on the scale”

  1. Megatherium says:

    I’ll never forget his fight with Yoshiyuki Yoshida a couple of years back. It looked like an alternate match from UFC 8 David vs Goliath.

    I sure hope they get rid of his ridiculous weight cutting ass after tomorrow night, enough is enough with this guy.

  2. 45 Huddle says:

    In a perfect world, Vitor Belfort KO’s him in the first and then Dana White fires him during the post fight press conference so he can have a very long flight back.

    What he did was not only unprofessional but downright pathetic. No care for his opponents at all.

    • Ken says:

      RidiculOus think someone can cut 30lbs for a fight. Goes to show the limited intelligence surrounding anybody cutting that much weight. He would have had extreme hypo kalmia to cause weakness to the legs. It’s called ascending paralysis.

  3. 45 Huddle says:

    The plot thickens even more on the ESPN E:60 MMA segment.

    Dana White is claiming that ESPN went to interview multiple fighters, and when the fighters weren’t saying what they wanted, they just left.

    Matt Serra was mentioned specifically.

    Has ESPN turned into a tabloid?

  4. RST says:

    I dont remember Johnson being notorious for this before?

    (I’ve heard now that there was some trouble before, but I’ve never noticed it before now!)

    If I ran things I’d just make him wear his pants!

    You wanna keep your job young man?!

    Now you’re at 205!

    Grow into those pants buster brown!

    • The Gaijin says:

      Johnson missed BADLY (7 lbs IIRC) against Yoshida and had to fight at a catchweight. In addition, he’s had notoriously hard cuts that he’s been able to make, but it’s well known that he really struggled to make weight at 170 (and I believe blamed his performance in some fights for it).

      Then he moved up to 185 and he’s had a lot of interviews/videos talking about how he was a better fit at MW and he was going to be a much better fighter because he didn’t have to worry about weight cutting issues like he did at 170…then he comes in 11 lbs over in a co-main event.

  5. 45 Huddle says:

    First Live UFC Fight for this new FOX deal was Velasquez/Dos Santos which ended in 1:04.

    Second Live UFC Fight was Funch vs. Pyle which ended in 1:22.

    Will Omigawa’s fight last 2 minutes?

  6. Bryan says:

    Not for nothing, I am kind wishing for Dana White to go in and tell Johnson “YOU’RE FIRED!!!!!!!” a’la Vince McMahon.


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